Goodwork is an open sourced project management & collaboration tool built with Laravel and VueJS. Now a mobile app is being built for the web app with flutter.
A discord server is opened to accommodate easy communication. Join in and ask any questions you might have. Join here
All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Connect in discord and ask how you can contribute or what you want to work on.
Also experienced flutter dev are welcome to guide the development or take ownership part of the app.
web app repo:
Self-hosted app for Time Tracking, Invoice Generation, Project & Client Management, built with Laravel & Filament.
Self-hosted app for Time Tracking, Invoice Generation, Project & Client Management, built with Laravel & Filament.
Hire me
I'm available for contractual work on this stack (Filament, Laravel, Livewire, AlpineJS, TailwindCSS). Reach me via email or discord
About Invobook
Invobook is a self-hosted app to manage team/clients, project & tasks, time tracking, create and sending invoice and more. It is build upon Filament and TALL stack.
Installation | Screenshots | Contributing | Supporting | Credits | License
Clone the repository
git clone
Set env variables
cp .env.example .env
Install composer packages
composer install
Screenshots ↑Top
Contributing ↑Top
To contribute join discord server link
Supporting ↑Top
Be a sponsor
Invobook is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible thanks to the support by our amazing backers.
Support the development of "Invobook" by being a sponsor, reach at
Professional Support
If you need professional…
mobile app repo:
Android and iOS app for Goodwork web application
Goodwork is a self hosted project management and collaboration tool inspired by basecamp. This repo contains source code for Android and iOS app for Goodwork web application.
Overview | Demo | Screenshots | Contributing | Supporting | Credits | License
About Goodwork
Goodwork is a simple project management and collaboration tool for software teams. It is open source and MIT licensed. Goodwork is a self-hosted software so no dependency on anyone and only you keep your data.
Goodwork brings you all the components required for your project to run smoothly in one place so that you have single source of truth. Instead of using a collection of tools or service which makes everything messy and hard to find important details from stuff scattered all over the place, Goodwork organizes everything in a central place where everyone in the company knows what to do…
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