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CRUD means "feces"

It’s an interesting coincidence, right? CRUD — Create, Read, Update, Delete — describes the basic actions that most apps perform on data. There’s not much value in just moving data around. It’s a basic framework, not the reason users stick around.


Every app, even the most complex ones, relies on Read, Write, Delete operations. But what makes some apps stand out isn’t the CRUD part; it’s what happens between these actions.

The real difference comes from the complexity between the basic operations. It’s not just workflows or automations — it’s how an app turns raw input into something meaningful. Whether it’s advanced algorithms, real-time processing, or personalized experiences, the value comes from those deeper layers of logic, making the app more than just a CRUD tool.

The Challenge with CRUD-Only Apps

If your app is mostly CRUD, you’re left with the challenge of convincing users to use it. That often means spending more on marketing, tutorials, and support just to get people on board, because the core functionality isn’t doing much to differentiate the app from others.

How Some Apps Stand Out

Apps that make an impact don’t stop at CRUD. They focus on what happens between basic operations, whether it’s handling complex decisions, processing data in real time, or applying advanced logic to create meaningful outcomes.

These apps offer more than data management — they create value from the data itself.

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