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My Journey So Far: #100DaysOfCode Challenge and What I Aim to Achieve

Hello, Dev community! ๐ŸŒŸ

This is my first post on, and Iโ€™m excited to share my journey so far in the #100DaysOfCode challenge. Iโ€™ve embarked on this journey to become a better full-stack developer, focusing on strengthening my front-end skills, improving my understanding of key concepts, and pushing myself to code every single day.

My Progress So Far
So far, Iโ€™ve completed seven days of the challenge, and each day has been packed with new learning experiences. Hereโ€™s a quick recap:

Day 1: I dived into HTML and built a simple cat photo app. ๐Ÿฑ It was a great way to refresh my basic HTML skills and set the tone for the rest of the challenge.
Day 2: I moved on to CSS, completing the "Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu" module on freeCodeCamp. ๐ŸŽจ This helped me practice styling elements and improving the visual layout of a website.
Day 3: I used HTML and CSS to build a table showcasing top learning platforms. ๐Ÿ“Š This project helped me improve my layout and design skills.
Day 4 & 5: I built a set of colored markers using CSS and a registration form. These two projects introduced me to more advanced CSS techniques like gradients, box shadows, and CSS form structure.
Day 6: No new concepts, but I worked on mastering the concepts I had learned. I also completed and passed a form survey project! ๐ŸŽ‰
Day 7: I created a minimalist Rothko-style painting using CSS. This project allowed me to dive deeper into the CSS Box Model, layering, and abstract design.
You can check out all my projects on GitHub:

Challenges Iโ€™ve Faced
It hasnโ€™t been smooth sailing all the way through. Some of the challenges Iโ€™ve encountered include:

Time management: Balancing coding with other commitments can be difficult, but staying consistent is key.
Debugging CSS: CSS can be tricky at times, especially when positioning elements or working with responsive designs.
Staying motivated: On days when things don't go as planned, maintaining motivation has been a real challenge.
Despite these obstacles, Iโ€™m proud of the progress Iโ€™ve made and the solutions Iโ€™ve discovered along the way.

Goals and What I Hope to Achieve
Looking ahead, my goals for this challenge are simple yet ambitious:

Complete the 100 days: This is my biggest goal, to stay consistent, code daily, and push myself to finish the challenge.
Master front-end development: I want to solidify my knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then move on to backend technologies.
Build real-world projects: By the end of the challenge, I aim to have a portfolio of projects that showcase my skills and knowledge, from basic websites to more complex applications.
Thank you for reading my post! I hope to inspire others to keep pushing through challenges and keep learning. Feel free to check out my GitHub and follow along as I continue my journey.

Hereโ€™s to progress and continuous learning! ๐Ÿ’ช

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