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Heritier Akilimali
Heritier Akilimali

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React vs Vue: Popular Front end frameworks in 2022

Although Javascript Frameworks are now a staple in the world of web app development, more and more companies are getting used to how they can improve both performance and time savings while improving the overall development experience. However many other companies and devs still struggle with choosing the right framework.

What we know Currently is that React.js has been on the top spot on the podium for three successive years, while Vue.js is second. So how do you decide which framework fits for you considering that both of them are in the same league when it comes to popularity?
You are in for some luck.
Because for this article, we are aiming to make a head-to-head comparison between React and Vue.

**we’ll explore what their respective use cases are, along with perks that Both of them bring to the table. Let's go.

What is Vue?
Vue Is a front-end framework that has garnered immense support from its community, after Being developed and showcased by the talented developer named Evan You in 2014.

Vue was primarily used exclusively in China, but is now used worldwide and has turned out to be among the best options for developing intuitive and interactive user interfaces as well as creating single-page applications.

Vue is known for its two-way-binding feature and its unique way to manipulate the DOM by using a virtual DOM, but the primary reason Vue easily rose to prominence is its progressive design which lets developers migrate and smoothly move pre-existing projects. This is possible by moving each feature, one at a time.

Considering that Vue is an open-source project that got a good start and is still maintaining its dominance as being one of the most accessible frameworks out there, Vue has become more and more associated with many other big names that had to implement web development into their business.

What is React?

Even though React is considered a framework it's actually a javascript library used for web development to create interactive elements for websites and User interfaces.

The creator of React is a former employee of Facebook and is named Jordan Walke.

React was released in 2013 which was a time when javascript made major strides in how it functions and operates as a programming language, and as a result, react had a lot of room for innovation.

React is used in the creation of single-page apps and mobile apps through its flexibility and usage of components which isolates pieces of code and makes the components reusable on different parts of the web app.

React also uses the visual Dom to interact with the DOM but all the elements are represented as javascript objects. This is a declarative, highly efficient, and very flexible library that brings a lot of toolsets to any developer looking to pick up a new framework.

React is the leading framework as its the most used and most in-demand on the work market, and as such, it has on many occasions been associated with names of big companies out there, some examples of websites that use react are Facebook, Netflix, and Instagram.

How do Vue and React differ in popularity, performance, and state management?

Both Vue and React utilize Lazy loading resulting in higher performance and lower loading time and they also share the fact that they both use the Virtual DOM to update the DOM.

Now, let's take a look at Vue first, It has better memory allocation and faster startup, no unnecessary re-rendering because vue keeps track of the virtual DOM, it handles higher frames than react(up to 10 frames/second). It's More popular than react on GitHub based on stars given but less popular on StackOverflow based on the yearly surveys.

with Vue You can edit the data through the data property, so you don't need the local state. However, If you have big apps, you'll need a separate library to manage the state.

Now let's shift our look unto React. React have faster runtime, changing state re-renders all of the components in the virtual dom, handles low frames at 1 frame/second. More popular than Vue on StackOverflow surveys, but less popular on GitHub, more popular in the job market.
With React, you can modify the state in just one place, simplifying debugging.

Differences in syntax and community support: Vue vs React.

  • Programming style: Vue makes component life cycles more intuitive and keeps HTML, CSS, and javascript code separate. React embeds HTML code into javascript and generates javascript expressions(JSX), and also allows every component to have its own lifecycle.

-Community support: Vue was highly popular in China when it came out on the market and has further garnered more support around the globe hinting that Vue will just keep on growing. React however is backed by Facebook and has a dedicated team of developers maintaining it.

-Documentation: Vue's documentation is very clear and concise. It's organized much better than most other frameworks docs. While React's documentation has improved over the years and is more clear, when it came out, it got criticized for its bad documentation.

-Learning Curve: Vue is easier to learn and intuitive for beginners because it separates HTML, CSS, and javascript, so anyone with vanilla javascript experience will have no trouble getting familiar with it. When it comes to learning time, React takes more time to learn than Vue because of some new concepts not seen in regular javascript.

-Syntax: Vue uses HTML and JSX while React is strictly JSX.

-SEO: Google has a hard time indexing single-page apps, which means by default Vue and React can't be indexed. This can be solved by using server-side rendering, which lets us run the JS code on the server before sending our files to the end-user.

Which one is better, Vue or React?

You should use Vue if:

  • You need a quick solution -you need your app to run fast -An existing project needs to be migrated to a new technology but you've got limited resources -Most of your team consists of junior developers or HTML developers -you're into clean code -You want to create less complex to medium complex apps(there are always exceptions)

React is for you if:

-You want to create a moderately to a highly complex app or
-In the future, you'll expand your applications' capabilities
a lot
-you need to make mobile applications
-JavaScript is preferred over HTML
-Your team is comprised of experienced React developers

*Conclusion: *

Both frameworks Come out of the box with their advantages.
With Vue, it's smaller, faster, templates are convenient, a simplified syntax, etc. Meanwhile, React offers more flexibility for bigger, more complex apps. You'll be able to test it better, and it's more suitable for mobile app development. Plus, you'll have access to lots of information in case you have a problem. leave a comment below if you have any questions, thanks for reading.

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