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David Kanekanian
David Kanekanian

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E1 - Sample Solution

You will learn the most from this tutorial if you attempt to follow the extra steps on your own before checking this sample solution.


 * Returns the welcome message associated with a message ID.
 * This message is shown to the user when they first access the index
 * page. It is meant as a welcoming message and can be personalised for
 * each user.
 * When writing documentation comments, start with a single line brief
 * description, and if necessary provide additional details below.
 * You should always document each parameter and the return value of
 * a function unless it is an extremely simple function.
 * @param integer $messageId ID of the message to select.
 * @param mysqli $databaseLink Connection to database to query with.
 * Must have SELECT access to the WelcomeMessage table.
 * @return string Welcome message from the database. Empty string is
 * returned if $messageId wasn't found in the database.
function getWelcomeMessage(int $messageId, mysqli $databaseLink): string
    $result = $databaseLink->query(
        "SELECT Message FROM WelcomeMessage WHERE MessageID = $messageId;"

    if (!empty($databaseLink->error) || $result->num_rows() == 0) {
        // An error occurred during the query or there were no matching records.
        // Return empty string.
        return "";

    return $result->fetch_assoc()["Message"];

// Output the message to the user as HTML output.
$databaseLink = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "NeatTreats");
echo getWelcomeMessage(1, $databaseLink);
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Parent topic: Example 1

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