There are 26.2 million Web Developers but not everyone uses this HTML attribute.
Here are 12 Lesser-Known HTML attributes that you cannot miss
1. Download attribute in ahref:
➡ Easily allow users to download any asset on clicking a link
➡ File specified in href attribute is downloaded
➡ Optionally, specify new name of the file after it is downloaded
2. Input mode in input element:
➡ hints browser about the type of data to be entered by the user
➡ Display appropriate virtual keyboard
➡ & appropriate keyboard in mobile devices
➡ values: numeric, decimal, email, URL, tel
3. Loading attribute in img:
➡ Lazy load or eager load images
➡ Lazy loads defer loading of images until user scrolls near them
➡ Lazy loading increases website performance
4. Accept in file upload
➡ File types that are allowed in upload
➡ Possible values can be accepted mime-types or file extensions.
5. Autofocus form fields:
➡ Focus an input element on page load
➡ Useful to bring users' attention to a particular form fields
➡ Can be used for tags like button, input, select, textarea
6. DNS-prefetch
➡ Resolve domain names before resources get requested
➡ increases website performance by reducing latency for DNS resolution
➡ only used for cross-origin domains requests
7. Custom Data Attributes
➡ data-* allow additional information to be stored in HTML Dom
➡ Custom data can be easily accessed using HTMLElement.dataset property.
8. Autocomplete
➡ Specifies whether the browser has permission to provide autocomplete field values based on history
➡ Values: on/off
9. Tab Index:
➡ Represents the tab order of the current element
➡ Navigation proceeds from the lowest tabIndex to the highest tabIndex
10. Defer:
➡ Defers the script when the page has finished parsing
➡ Defer attribute only has an effect on external scripts
11. Onerror:
➡ Allows calling a javascript function if image loading fails
➡ For example if the original is not loaded the load fallback image
12. Display error if js disabled
➡ Use noscript check to show an error if script execution is disabled.
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