Hey guys, I decided to learn Frontend and web development in general. I'd like to target primarily frontend, but I'd like a little insight into fullstack javascript.
I chose dev.to for my micro-blogging, I think it's the most ideal platform for it.
After a long time of picking a structured course, I finally chose a completely free one - The Odin Project. But not for the reason that it's free, but because I want to learn things in depth and learn how to learn from multiple sources. I'm not a complete noob, I've had some paid courses on Python, even an intro one, but in the end I decided to go in a different direction.
What and how I will blog (probably)
It's going to be all about my journey as a switcher in IT. I will try to categorize it like this:
- TIL's - Today I Learned, but I'll probably post it weekly.
- Projects - Big projects, small projects, where I learn things.
- Career - Interview preparation, interview experience and career growth. And more...
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