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Himanshu Gupta
Himanshu Gupta

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10 Node JS Interview Questions

What is Node.js and where you can use it?
Node.js is a popular open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it highly scalable and efficient for building server-side applications.

Here are some common use cases for Node.js:

Web development: Node.js is commonly used for server-side web development, where it can be used to build full-stack web applications, RESTful APIs, and real-time web applications.

Microservices: Node.js can be used to build microservices-based architectures, where individual services are responsible for a specific function or feature of an application.

Command-line tools: Node.js can be used to build command-line tools, such as build tools, automation scripts, and development tools.

Real-time applications: Node.js is a great fit for building real-time applications, such as chat applications, gaming applications, and collaboration tools.

Internet of Things (IoT): Node.js can be used to build IoT applications, where it can interface with hardware devices and sensors, and process data in real-time.

Why use Node.js?
High performance and scalability: Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which is known for its high performance and scalability, making it ideal for building fast, responsive, and scalable applications.

Event-driven, non-blocking I/O model: Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which means it can handle a large number of concurrent connections with low latency and without using excessive server resources.

Large and active community: Node.js has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and offer a range of open-source modules and packages that can be easily integrated into applications.

JavaScript on the server and client: Since Node.js is built on JavaScript, it allows developers to use the same language on the server and the client, making it easier to share code and improve development efficiency.

Rich ecosystem: Node.js has a rich ecosystem of tools and frameworks, such as Express.js,, and GraphQL, that can be used to build a variety of applications, from real-time web applications to APIs and microservices.

How does Node.js work?
Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which is the same engine used by Google Chrome. Node.js works by using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections with low latency and without using excessive server resources.

When a Node.js application is started, it creates a single event loop that listens for events and executes callbacks when events are triggered. Each event represents a specific I/O operation, such as reading from a file, sending an HTTP request, or waiting for a database response.

When an I/O operation is initiated, Node.js attaches a callback function to the operation and continues to process other events while waiting for the I/O operation to complete. When the I/O operation is complete, Node.js executes the callback function, which can process the result of the operation or initiate another I/O operation.

This event-driven, non-blocking I/O model allows Node.js to handle a large number of concurrent connections with high performance and efficiency, making it ideal for building scalable, real-time applications.

Why is Node.js a single thread?

Node.js is designed to be single-threaded for two main reasons:

Event-driven programming model: Node.js uses an event-driven programming model, where the main thread is responsible for handling incoming requests and delegating I/O operations to worker threads. This programming model allows Node.js to handle a large number of concurrent requests efficiently without requiring additional threads.

Memory management: Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which uses a garbage collector to manage memory. A single-threaded design simplifies the memory management process, since there is no need to manage shared memory across multiple threads.

While Node.js itself is single-threaded, it can still make use of multiple CPU cores through the use of worker threads or child processes. By creating multiple worker threads or child processes, Node.js can distribute the processing load across multiple cores, which can further improve the performance and scalability of Node.js applications.

Explain Node.js web application architecture.

Node.js web application architecture can vary depending on the specific requirements of the application, but it generally consists of the following components:

Client-side: The client-side of a Node.js web application typically consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that runs in a web browser. It is responsible for rendering the user interface and making requests to the server for data. Popular front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue can be used to build complex client-side applications.

Server-side: The server-side of a Node.js web application typically consists of JavaScript code that is executed on the server. The code is responsible for processing requests from the client and sending responses back to the client. Node.js provides several built-in modules that can be used to implement server-side functionality, such as the HTTP module for creating web servers, and the fs module for interacting with the file system.

Database: A database is where the application data is stored and retrieved. Node.js can interact with various types of databases, including SQL and NoSQL databases. Popular databases that are commonly used with Node.js include MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.

Application Programming Interface (API): An API is a set of rules and protocols that define how the client and server can communicate with each other. In Node.js, an API can be created using a framework such as Express.js. Express.js provides a set of middleware functions that can be used to handle requests, parse data, and send responses back to the client.

Middleware: Middleware is a software layer that sits between the client and the server and provides additional functionality such as authentication, logging, and error handling. In Node.js, middleware functions are typically used in the server-side code to handle specific tasks, such as parsing incoming requests, authenticating users, and logging errors. Middleware functions can be chained together to create complex request handling pipelines. Popular middleware modules for Node.js include body-parser, passport, and morgan.

Overall, the architecture of a Node.js web application is designed to be modular and flexible, allowing developers to easily add or remove components as needed to meet the requirements of the application.

Difference between Javascript and Node.js

JavaScript is a programming language that is used primarily for developing client-side web applications that run in a web browser. Node.js, on the other hand, is a runtime environment that allows developers to use JavaScript to build server-side applications.

Here are some key differences between JavaScript and Node.js:

Execution environment: JavaScript runs in a web browser or other client-side environment, while Node.js runs on a server or other server-side environment.

APIs: JavaScript has a set of APIs that are designed for interacting with the web browser, such as the DOM API and the Window API. Node.js has a set of APIs that are designed for interacting with the file system, network, and other server-side resources, such as the HTTP and FS modules.

Concurrency model: JavaScript uses a single-threaded model, where all code is executed sequentially on a single thread. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections with low latency and without using excessive server resources.

Development tools: JavaScript development typically involves using a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) that is designed for web development, such as Visual Studio Code or WebStorm. Node.js development involves using additional tools such as the Node Package Manager (npm), which is used to manage dependencies and install third-party packages.

Libraries and frameworks: While both JavaScript and Node.js can use a wide range of libraries and frameworks, Node.js has a larger ecosystem of server-side libraries and frameworks that are specifically designed for building scalable, high-performance web applications.

Overall, JavaScript and Node.js are closely related, since they both use the same syntax and language features. However, they have different execution environments, APIs, concurrency models, and development tools, which make them better suited for different types of applications.

How does Node.js handle concurrency?

Event loop: The event loop is at the core of Node.js's concurrency model. It is responsible for processing I/O operations and executing callbacks. The event loop constantly checks for new events in a queue and executes them in the order in which they were registered.

Non-blocking I/O: Node.js uses a non-blocking I/O model, which means that it can initiate I/O operations and continue executing other code without waiting for the I/O operation to complete. This allows Node.js to handle multiple concurrent connections without blocking the execution of the main thread.

Asynchronous APIs: Node.js provides a set of asynchronous APIs that allow developers to write code that is non-blocking and can handle multiple concurrent connections. These APIs include the HTTP module, the File System (FS) module, and the Network (Net) module. These APIs use callback functions to handle the results of I/O operations and register the callbacks with the event loop.

Worker threads: Node.js also provides a Worker Threads API that allows developers to run JavaScript code in separate threads, which can be used to handle CPU-intensive operations. Each worker thread runs in a separate V8 instance, which means that it has its own memory and is completely isolated from other threads. The threads can communicate with each other using message passing.

Clustering: Node.js provides a clustering module that allows developers to create a cluster of Node.js processes that can handle multiple concurrent connections. The clustering module uses the built-in cluster module to spawn multiple Node.js processes that run on the same machine and share the same port. When a new connection is made, the master process distributes the connection to one of the worker processes.

Overall, Node.js's concurrency model is designed to handle a large number of concurrent connections with low latency and without using excessive server resources. It achieves this by using an event loop, non-blocking I/O, asynchronous APIs, worker threads, and clustering. This makes Node.js well-suited for building real-time web applications and APIs that require high levels of concurrency and low latency.

Explain callback, promises, and async-await in Node.js

In Node.js, callback, promises, and async-await are three ways of handling asynchronous code.

Callback functions are a way of handling asynchronous operations in Node.js. A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function, and is executed when that function completes.

fs.readFile('file.txt', function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
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In this example, the fs.readFile() function is called with a callback function that will be executed when the file has been read. If there is an error, the err parameter will contain the error information, otherwise the data parameter will contain the contents of the file.

Promises are an alternative way of handling asynchronous code in Node.js. A promise represents a value that may not be available yet, but will be at some point in the future. A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.

const readFilePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readFile('file.txt', (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {

readFilePromise.then((data) => {
}).catch((err) => {
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In this example, the readFilePromise variable is assigned a new promise that represents the result of reading the file. The promise is fulfilled with the file contents if the file is read successfully, or rejected with an error if there is a problem. The then() method is called on the promise to handle the fulfilled case, and the catch() method is called to handle the rejected case.

Async-await is a more recent addition to Node.js that provides a more readable way of working with promises. Async functions are functions that return a promise, and can use the await keyword to wait for promises to be fulfilled.

async function readFile() {
    try {
        const data = await fs.promises.readFile('file.txt');
    } catch (err) {

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In this example, the readFile() function is declared as an async function, which means it returns a promise. The await keyword is used to wait for the promise returned by fs.promises.readFile() to be fulfilled. If there is an error, it is caught in the catch block.

Explain callback hell in Node.js and how to avoid it?
Callback hell is a common problem that can occur when working with asynchronous code in Node.js. It is a situation where you have many nested callback functions that become difficult to read and maintain.

Consider the following example of a nested callback:

fs.readFile('file1.txt', function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    fs.readFile('file2.txt', function(err, data) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        fs.readFile('file3.txt', function(err, data) {
            if (err) {
                throw err;
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As you can see, the code becomes increasingly difficult to read and manage as the number of nested callbacks increases. This is what is referred to as callback hell.

There are several strategies to avoid callback hell:

One strategy to avoid callback hell is to modularize the code by breaking it up into smaller, reusable functions. This can make the code more readable and easier to manage. You can use functions like Promise.all() and Promise.race() to manage the flow of multiple async operations.

As described above, Promises provide a cleaner and more maintainable way of handling asynchronous code. By chaining promises, you can avoid nesting callbacks and make your code more readable.

Example using Promises:

const readFile = (file) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {
      if (err) reject(err);

Promise.all([readFile('file1.txt'), readFile('file2.txt'), readFile('file3.txt')])
  .then((data) => {
  .catch((err) => {
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In this example, we create a function readFile that returns a Promise for reading a file. We then use Promise.all() to wait for all of the promises to be fulfilled before logging the results.

Async-await is another way to handle asynchronous code that provides a more readable and maintainable way of writing asynchronous code.
Example using async-await:

const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);

async function readFiles() {
  try {
    const file1 = await readFile('file1.txt');
    const file2 = await readFile('file2.txt');
    const file3 = await readFile('file3.txt');
    console.log(file1, file2, file3);
  } catch (err) {

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In this example, we use the util.promisify() function to convert the fs.readFile() function into a Promise-based function. We then use the await keyword to wait for each Promise to be fulfilled before logging the results.

What are modules in Node.js?

Modules are an essential part of Node.js. They allow you to organize and reuse code in a modular way. In Node.js, a module is a self-contained unit of code that encapsulates related functionality, variables, and methods. Modules can be used to break up large, complex applications into smaller, more manageable pieces, making the code more organized and easier to maintain.

In Node.js, modules are commonly used to define and export functionality, variables, or methods to be used by other parts of the application.

Node.js provides a number of built-in modules, such as the fs module for working with the file system, the http module for creating web servers, and the path module for working with file paths. In addition to these built-in modules, you can also create your own custom modules in Node.js.

To define a module in Node.js, you use the module.exports object to export functions, variables, or objects that can be used by other parts of the application. Here is an example of a simple module that exports a function:

// greet.js
module.exports = function(name) {
    console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");
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In this example, we define a function that takes a name as an argument and logs a greeting message to the console. We export this function by assigning it to the module.exports object.

To use this module in another part of the application, we can require it using the require() function:

// main.js
const greet = require('./greet');

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In this example, we use the require() function to load the greet.js module, and assign the exported function to the greet variable. We can then use this function to greet a person by calling greet('John').

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