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How to build your own API with Django Rest FrameWork? (Part-1)

Hello, My name is Hiro.
I am a student of web development in Vancouver.

In this time, I tried creating my own API with Django.
This article just shows how to create a simple api. It means that we can just get all data. But, this is useful and we can get knowledge about API by creating it by ourselves.

I will show you how to build your own API with Django Rest Framework. This library helps you create it easily.

Don't worry, it is not important if you know about python or django. I will show it with command line base.

Let's try to create your API!

Check python environment

At first, we check whether python is installed or not.
If not, you can install it from here. We should use python with more than 3.0 version.
Download python

python -v  or  python3 -v
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pip -v  or  pip3 -v
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Note: If the command doesn't work, you can check your PATH environment.

Install virtualenv

We can create a virtual environment for this time because we should separate the python environment each project.

pip install virtualenv
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Create virtualenv

After install virtualenv, we can use virtualenv command.
If you do not use it, please check PATH environment.

virtualenv {eivironment_name}
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Next, activate virtual environment.

source {eivironment_name}/bin/activate
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Create django project

After activating virtual environment, we install django.

pip install django.
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Next step, we create django project.

django-admin startproject {Project_name}
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Move to project folder

cd {Project_name}
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Create django application

We can create django application like this command.

django-admin startapp {App_name}
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We finished initial setup! Next, We will check the default django admin app.

1. Check django admin

You can register your username and password after createsuperuser command.

python migrate

python createsuperuser
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After that, you can run development server.

python runserver
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We can access the development server and admin app!
Login by using your username and password before you register.


2. Display Hello world

Next step, We try to displaying "Hello Django".

At first, we modify in our app folder. can return HTTP Response, Json and so on. We can define what response we can see here.

Note: app folder means we create the folder with python startapp command

# {app_folder}/

from django.http import HttpResponse

def Top(request):
  return HttpResponse("<h1>Hello Django</h1>")
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Second, we create new in our app folder.
We can define what url path connect the response in
In this case, http://localhost:8000/ can connect Top in and get HTTP Response.

# {app_folder}/

from django.urls import path
from .views import Top

urlpatterns = [
    path('', Top), # http://localhost:8000/
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Finaly, we edit in PROJECT folder.
This project can be connected to our app's

Note: project folder means we create the folder with python startproject command
And, edit the file like this.

# {project_folder}/

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/',,   # http://localhost:8000/admin
    path('', include('{your_app_name}.urls')),   # http://localhost:8000/
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Now, we can see "Hello Django" after running our development server.


3. Modify and Register admin app

After we can see "Hello Django", we modify
We can update like this.

# {app_folder}/

from django.db import models

class Product(models.Model):
  name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
  description = models.CharField(max_length=100)

  def __str__(self):
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode can define our database table and columns. In this case, I define product table and name and description fields but you can define anythings. CharField means Character Fields. We do not have to write SQL syntax.

Next step, we will use this model for creating our database.
We can use this commnad.

python makemigrations
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Automatically generate file in migrations folder.
Next, we execute this command.

python migrate
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Finaly, We register the model to admin app. We can edit in app folder like this.

# {app_folder}/

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Product # import our model

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
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And then, we can see the model in admin app after we login our admin app!
We can add some data from admin app now.

4. Setup Rest Framework

Next, we will install Django Rest Framework.

pip install djangorestframework
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And, add the app to the project like this.


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And then, edit the

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In this time, we create in app folder.
This serializer helps us to communicate data between models and python.
We can write like this.

# {app_folder}/

from rest_framework import serializers
from .models import Product

class ProductSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
  class Meta:
    model = Product
    fields = '__all__'
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We can also modify the like this.

# {app_folder}/

from django.http import HttpResponse
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework.response import Response

from .models import Product
from .serializers import ProductSerializer

# Create your views here.
def Top(request):
  return HttpResponse("<h1>Hello Django</h1>")

# ---New---

def getAllProducts(request):
  products = Product.objects.all() # Get all data
  serializer = ProductSerializer(products, many=True) # Data Converter
  return Response(
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Finaly, we can modify in app folder like this.

from django.urls import path
from .views import Top, apiOverviews, getAllProducts

urlpatterns = [
    path('', Top),                         # http://localhost:8000
    path('api/products/', getAllProducts), # http://localhost:8000/api/products
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Path: api/products is up to you. we can write any path.
After you register your own data from admin app, you can check the data from api/products.


In this article, we just created api function of get all data on local environment. I will create the article about deploying this simple api into real world with Heroku.
Of course, if you are curious about other api functions like specific GET, POST, PUT and DELETE, I can write more article.

If you interested in this article, please comment to me!

Thank you for taking your time to read this article!


I am student of Vancouver, Canada and have job experience for Back-end technology. I also like AWS services and have some certifications.
Nowadays, I am learning Front-end Technology like JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Next.js.

I am looking for part-time job or volunteer work in Canada. If you are curious about me, Please contact me😸

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