If you have never worked or had an interest in cyber security, then the term "honeypot" might have a foreign meaning to you. As the name implies a honeypot lures hackers in with its sweet false hopes, hackers then unknowingly go after information not knowing they have enter a trap.
On the internet a honeypot might look like a badly built login page or some type of low hanging fruit that a hacker believes they can access and gather sensitive information from.
There are two places a honeypot usually is set when monitoring and discovering hackers. In enterprises firewalls are set to filter out a majority of hackers. Knowing this, our first inclination might to put our honeypot after the firewall. While this is certainly not the wrong assumption to have, the amount of knowledge gained by observing malignant actors actions drastically decreases.
The reasons to want the honeypot within your firewall would be regarding internal bad actors; while few, they would not be monitored or even discovered.
One of the best all encompassing honeypots is called Tpot and can be examined here.https://github.com/telekom-security/tpotce
I would not download this on a personal computer as it takes a large amount of storage space; however, if you are working for an enterprise or have the storage space available, feel free to download for these cool features.
Anyway, installation is very simple. Run these commands using Unbuntu 18.04 or higher. You will also need an Unbuntu server.
Also, if git isn't insatlled make sure to run
sudo yum install git
Let the installation continue until you are automatically signed into the Kabana dashboard.
You will have access to all the different honeypots Tpot has to offer! There is a tremendous amount of information accessible to you at this point so go through you dashboard and find your favorites!
Image description
Let your program run and see all the hackers come out for the honey! You can identify the passwords and usernames attempted which will allow you to protect yourself better.
Thanks for sticking along and reading; I hope you learned something unique!
Source: https://blog.24by7security.com/honeypots-and-how-they-can-secure-your-network?https://www.24by7security.com/cmmc&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiNSLBhCPARIsAKNS4_d9Fz14_8S8OcNl5Q69xNrsaOIFWZE5zD16fbDcbtTQ1oN8rkCS4zUaAqtoEALw_wcB
Source: https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/what-is-a-honeypot
Source: https://cyber-99.co.uk/t-pot-honeypot-framework-installation
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