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Returning to a Journey

Hey Y'all!

This is a first for me. I've hardly ever felt it necessary to write down my thoughts or exploits as it's mostly just lived within my skull. However, as I and my kids are aging it is becoming increasingly difficult to remember not just my life but theirs as well.

So! Without further ado.

My Name is Hayden and I went to school for Philosophical Logic from 2015-2018. I got my Bachelors and graduated Summa Cum Laude. During my time in the program I took electives in Java, C, and C++. I enjoyed the structure of taking arguments and scoped logical problems and adapting them to a computer to then give back to me what I could do with propositional and predicate logic.

I'm returning now after marrying and with 2 kids in the mix. I can't afford to live on the salary I am and I'm looking to not only change my lot in life through this medium - I am also looking to expand my skillset to be more than an abstract set of Jeopardy facts.

I started the Flatiron school's Software Engineering course 9/18/23 and I'm excited to give this a proper try.

I'll keep you all updated once a week.


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