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Yash Chavan
Yash Chavan

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Getting started with Web-dev


Starting to get into web development is often taken in this step learn HTML jump on CSS and a framework like bootstrap and then JavaScript finally landing on the framework and boom you are done. This is somewhat wrong as we are not only skipping over the foundation but also just oversimplifying web development

Understanding the Foundation

Understanding the foundation of web development is simple as it is covered in the name of the web. However, there is a common misunderstanding regarding the distinction between the web and the internet.

What is the difference between the Web and the Internet

The Internet is a global network of networks while the Web, also referred to formally as World Wide Web (www) is a collection of information that is accessed via the Internet. Another way to look at this difference is; the Internet is infrastructure while the Web is served on top of that infrastructure. Alternatively, the Internet can be viewed as a big book store while the Web can be viewed as a collection of books on that store. At a high level, we can even think of the Internet as hardware and the Web as software!

once the difference is clear next is how this software communicates over this massive network it is built on, more technically known as Protocols, to be specific, and the important one for now HTTP.

So what is HTTP?

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the foundation of the World Wide Web and is used to load web pages using hypertext links. HTTP is an application layer protocol designed to transfer information between networked devices and runs on top of other layers of the network protocol stack. A typical flow over HTTP involves a client machine making a request to a server, which then sends a response message.

another important step into web dev is to understand what side of the development you want to be or to make it sound not only technical but also erotic (weirdly) which end you like (namely Frontend, Backend)

What's your Poison?

Front-end web developers focus on a website's client-side functions, while back-end web developers focus on a website's server-side development. Full-stack developers work with just that - the "full stack" of development technologies - and have mastery of both front and back-end technologies.

Front end developers

They create the content you see when interacting with a website. This includes visual elements such as menus, buttons, and animations that can execute on a client's machine. Front-end developers use three primary languages: HTML to create a website's structure, CSS to change how a website looks, and JavaScript to create interactive elements.

Back end developers

They work with the server side of a website. This involves managing web servers, interacting with databases, and using data analysis - all of which are functions the user doesn't see when interacting with the site.

Full Stack developers

They do both, take care of frontend and backend both

And this where learning to code can come in you now know not only how the web works but also what you wanna do on it and can respectively plan your road, though, in my opinion, it is important to learn at least basic frontend development even if you prefer backend

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