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Engineering Resolution 2022

Lightbulb and idea bubbles

Below is a list of technologies, projects and goals on my radar for the new year, 2022.

Portfolio site with Nextjs
My current portfolio site,, was built over two years ago when I was fresh out of bootcamp. It is dated and needs a total makeover. Having recently used nextjs, I'm looking to completely redesign my site and as a stretch, add a Blog component.

Standard Coin
I built a mobile app using React-Native that combines three products into one. The portfolio tracker, markets and wallet have been complete and deployed to TestFlight. In 2022, I hope to go even further by adding the following:

  1. I hope to see the app approved into the App Store
  2. Create a landing page using Nextjs and TailwindCSS
  3. Improve the UI/UX of the application to look and feel top notch
  4. Make optimizations like adding a markets micro service
  5. Recruit 2-3 contributors who are excited about building/learning

Courses on Udemy
The list cannot be complete without including continuing education. Among the many courses in my queue, the two I'm most excited about are the Docker/Kubernetes and Blockchain courses. Of course, just passively watching the content is not enough to retain knowledge. I'd like to exercise the skills in existing or new projects.

AWS Certifications
Dev Ops is an increasingly important and interesting skill set to have. I'd like to gain the Solutions Architect and Developer Operations certificates.

Triplebyte Assessments
Triplebyte is currently my favorite recruitment platform and I'd like to improve my ranking by completing as many relevant assessments as I can with a score of 3 or above.
-General Coding
-Full Stack Architecture

Some minor objectives on my list is to learn a new language and applying to a project. Potential languages include C, C++ or Rust. However, Java, Kotlin and Swift are also strong contenders.
In addition, I would like to increase my Stackoverflow reputation to over 1000.

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