Hi all,
This is my first post here and I hope I write many more.
What are the problems I want to solve?
- I want to create Arduino Hubs with actuators and sensors, but they must be controlled remotely.
- This will ease my mind that wants to create something
What is the solution?
I created an Arduino library that can do the following:
- You assign pin, names and some typing for each actuator/sensor
- Every item is assigned to a CentralCommandUnit (CCU) that will handle everything from that point
What are the weak points?
- It's in early stage
- Sometimes I see a problem that must be fixed with breaking changes
- Currently only works for
Intended public
Please keep in mind that the code here, even for a 'blink' code, is more verbose than it would be in a beginner project. So it's not for those who are starting with Arduino. You won't see pinMode
, analogRead
... because the library handles that.
Let's start
In your Arduino IDE install the Simple Repository IO
Some wiring
What | Amount |
Arduino | 1 |
Photo resistor | 1 |
breadboard | 1 |
220 ohm resistor | 1 |
Led (built in) | 1 |
Pin A0 connected to the resistor and photo resistor
The other resistor leg connected to GND
The other photo resistor leg connected to 5V
Let's use the built in led.
// imports
#include "bool_component.h"
#include "ccu.h"
#include "command_factory.h"
#include "percent_component.h"
#include "Simple_Repository_IO.h"
// for this library, we must know only the names
const String led = "led";
const String photoSensor = "photo";
// this one is responsible to execute commands
CentralCommandUnit ccu;
void setup()
// creating a new Repository with 2 items
Repository *hub = new Repository("hub", 2);
// LED_BUILTIN >> your IDE knows the builtin led for your Arduino board
// BoolComponent >> this led will turn on or off. This seems to be a boolean for me :)
// Component::IoType::OUT >> we are not reading values, we're showing them
BoolComponent *bc = new BoolComponent(LED_BUILTIN, led, Component::IoType::OUT);
// A0 >> analogic input pin
// PercentComponent >> the value starts at 0 (zero - pitch dark) and goes to 100 ("praise the sun")
// Component::IoType::IN >> we are reading values
PercentComponent *pc = new PercentComponent(A0, photoSensor, Component::IoType::IN);
// adding to the repository
hub->put(0, bc);
hub->put(1, pc);
// starting the Central Command Unit
// ccu.execute >> tells the ccu to do some command
// CommandFactory::describe() >> this is to create a JSON from your Arduino hub stored into the repository
String result = ccu.execute(CommandFactory::describe());
// Please, don't use this library as the example bellow
// This is an example to it running. In the next article, we'll send commands remotely
void loop()
// CommandFactory::read(photoSensor) >> asking the current value for the component with the name stored into the variable
String value = ccu.execute(CommandFactory::read(photoSensor));
const bool isBright = value.toInt() > 50;
// CommandFactory::write(led, !isBright) >> change the value of an 'output' component with that name
ccu.execute(CommandFactory::write(led, !isBright));
- Turn on the lights = led off
- Turn off the lights (or cover the photo resistor) = led on
Yes, the code is VERY verbose. But this library is for remote control the Arduino.
Next steps
Connect the Arduino to a server
- receive commands
- return data
- Create an API to get/set the hubs information
- Create a React Native app to handle the data
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