If you are new to reactjs, you will agree with me that date format is quite different from that of core javascript where what is needed to do is just writing a simple date object: new Date()
However in the modern day JavaScript library which is reactjs, getting and formatting date is quite different. Though there are ways to format dates, but I will show you the simplest way you can go about it.
- 1 install npm date-fns in your project directory (root directory)
C:\MyProjects\react-project>npm install date-fns
- 2 use import { format } from 'date-fns' within your component
import { format } from 'date-fns'
- 3 use the new Date() object within your component
Now, after doing 2 and 3 as mentioned above, you can then make use of the Date() and format it as you wish. For example:
{format ( new Date(), 'do MMMM Y')}
This will give us the current date. Example: 22 SEPTEMBER 2021
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