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Odumosu Matthew
Odumosu Matthew

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Formatting Dates in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

As a developer, presenting dates in a readable and user-friendly format is crucial for enhancing the user experience. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into various techniques to format dates in JavaScript, exploring different libraries and native methods, and providing code examples for each approach.

1. Using JavaScript's Native Date Methods:

JavaScript'sDate object offers several methods to retrieveindividual date components, which you can then assemble into your desired format:


2. Using Intl.DateTimeFormat:


3. Using Libraries (moment.js - Deprecated, date-fns, Luxon, Day.js):

Using libraries provides more advanced and flexible date formatting options:


Best Practices:

Consider User Locale: When using native methods or Intl.DateTimeFormat, consider users' preferred locale for proper date formatting.

Library Selection: While libraries provide powerful formatting capabilities, consider the trade-offs in terms of performance and bundle size.

Consistency: Maintain consistent date formats across your application for a better user experience.


Formatting datesin JavaScriptis a skill that enhances the usability of your applications. By leveraging JavaScript's native methods or utilizing specialized libraries, you can easily customize date presentation to match your application's needs.

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Credit: Graphics sourced from JFormatting Dates in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Top comments (8)

efpage profile image
Eckehard • Edited

Thanks Matthew for digging into this topic!

There are a lot of strange things about dates, why did programmers think, we need to deal with dates after 1970 only? Did they miss the history lessons at school? And dates in Javascript become an absolute nightmare when you need to read dates from other / unkown sources.

For Formatting, there is a little library DateFormat.js, quite old but still very useful written by Steven Levithan in 2007 I am using a lot. There is also a small library called Day.js with a similar target that might serve well.

iamcymentho profile image
Odumosu Matthew

The choice of starting dates from 1970 in programming is not due to programmers missing history lessons; rather, it's a result of technical considerations. Many programming systems use Unix time, counting seconds since January 1, 1970, simplifying calculations and aligning well with computer internals. However, this system has limitations in representing dates before 1970 and handling complexities like time zones. Libraries like DateFormat.js and Day.js address these challenges, providing more intuitive interfaces for date manipulation, especially in languages like JavaScript where the native Date object can be cumbersome and prone to unexpected behavior.

citronbrick profile image

Thanks Matthew, for this useful article.
You can use code blocks in

(triple backtick) javascript
let x = 5;
(triple backtick)

It's better for accessibility too, which is important for any UI developer.

iamcymentho profile image
Odumosu Matthew • Edited

Thanks for your feedback and the helpful tip, Matthew! 🙏📚 Using code blocks with triple backticks in is not only insightful but also enhances accessibility for UI developers like me. I appreciate your input, and I'm definitely looking forward to incorporating this practice more often.

citronbrick profile image

The 0-indexed months are a real gotcha in JavaScript.

Christmas is new Date(2023, 11, 25), not new Date(2023, 12, 25).

Java had the same problem in java.util.Date.

Java 8 introduced, java.time.LocalDate with 1-based months.

iamcymentho profile image
Odumosu Matthew

Absolutely, 0-indexed months can definitely catch you off guard in JavaScript! 😅 It's great that Java 8 addressed a similar issue with java.time.LocalDate. Thanks for highlighting the comparison and providing that valuable insight!

imaculate7 profile image
Beatrice Akaeme

Great share

iamcymentho profile image
Odumosu Matthew

Thanks Beatrice. Glad you find the post helpful.