That’s me on red 😁😁😁
One of the greatest gift a man can ever have is not money, talent, skills, land, cool tech gadgets (which would be super awesome), properties etc, it’s none of these things. The greatest gift a man can have is “Man”. Having the right set of people around you can go a great deal in how your world turns out to be. And I'm glad I have my circles full of them.
So just last weekend I was just relaxing with a call to one of my good friends (a babe ☺️) when I saw an incoming call notification from my bestie (a male of course). I was surprised and was like “Oh, Ojay is calling me today, this must be very important” cos we seldom talk 😞. So he called me to join in on a google meeting, so I did and that was where it all happened
It was just a trio meeting, myself, Ojay and Funke (a very good friend of mine ) and from the time I'm joined the meeting already knew it was going to be a very productive one. There Funke was teaching about how to set up your LinkedIn profile for a better positioning in whatever field you are (mine being the tech field).
It was a great time and after spending over 2 hours with them, I learned a few tips I would love to share with you.
Your impression matters: How you put yourself out there is as important (if not more) than what you want to offer. Learn to package yourself neatly
Don't oversell yourself: Yeah, I know you have a lot of things you've achieved in your life, but that doesn't mean you have to go all out rubbing it on people's faces
Brand yourself: Every individual is uniquely wired and designed to represent his/her brand. No two humans is wired exactly the same. Be you, be real. The world loves real people
Know your audience: You represent something to people. Identify who you affect more and focus on bringing them into the light of who you are.
Hunt: It's called job-hunting for a reason, which means you have to go after the job well enough. Not all jobs will come to you. You have to chase your dreams.
Never not be afraid: Fear keeps up on our toes. The fear of the unknown makes us spontaneous. It’s okay to be scared, to be bothered about what the people will think of you, maybe you’re not good enough or maybe you don’t deserve the good things you seek, maybe you won’t make a perfect impression and lots more. That fear is needed to Help you strategize. But more so, you need to overcome that fear by taking the leap
Skillup: You can never be too skilled. Keep adding more to your skill, learn new things in or out of your scope. Get knowledge and as you do so also share the knowledge. No one is an island and no knowledge is limited or should be limited. As you learn, share what you learn with the world , let them criticize, correct and also encourage you on your journey
Grow your connections: Don’t be too scared to reach out to people for mentorship, support and value sharing. You need others in your field who has walked the path, still walking and about to walk. Send that invite message, look for catchy phrases to begin that conversion, enter the dm and shoot your shot. The highest you’ll get is a no.
Be prepared enough for the opportunity: Big things get bigger with those who are capable to greatness. If you are not prepared and equipped, you would miss out on the great opportunities around you.
And finally
- Relax: Life can come at you 140miles per hour, you just need a break. Don’t be too serious that you forget to relax, retreat and re-fire. Don’t exhaust yourself, don’t neglect family and loved ones. Go out, take a day off, see a move or do what you love to do. You will be fine.
Whatever you do, don’t forget God is the plug, love is the extension!
Thanks to O’jay and Funke for giving me this push cos I really needed it.
Thank you for reading
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