DEV Community

Ian Fabs
Ian Fabs

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I made a fetch-wrapper for making graphql api calls!

The other day, I was playing around with GraphQL queries for a side-project that I'm building, when I realized that eventually - I'm gonna need to make calls to that API on the client-side. My first instinct was to look around for a way to do it using fetch, because I love the fetch API. However the way to do it using fetch is kinda gross, if I'm being honest. The first answer I found on stack overflow, showed it like this:

note that, for the examples, an example API that I created is used

fetch('', {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({query: "query {items{title}}"})

Now, that's pretty nasty-looking. You could make it better with some variables, maybe a template string, something like this:

const url = "";
const query = {
    query: `
const body = JSON.stringify(query);

fetch(url, {
    method: "POST",

Now while that may look satisfying, it didn't feel like a healthy-enough balance between the feel of fetch, and graphql. So I created a function that did just that for me. I realized how useful this could be to other developers, so I wrapped it up in an npm module, and published it. I call it jraph, and it works like this and thanks to a comment from @qm3ster , it now works like this:

import { jraph } from "jraph";

let jql = jraph("");

(async () => {
    let result = await jql`{


If you like it, you can check it out on npm, here!

Have a great day guys!

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