Hi everyone, in this article I'll talk about why I started #100daysofcode challenge for myself and what I've done in the first day of the challenge
Actually there is more than just one reason. so I'll list them.
Main Reason
To be honest I'm a lazy person and doing something consistently is hard for me, unless I make these things a must-do. What I mean by that is I'm not actually lazy, I just have to feel responsible to do things. For that reason I usually promise someone, or in this case start a blog. But coding every day is not really that hard for me because I enjoy coding. The real reason is I must study and it has never been a daily thing for me. So I told myself:
You won't code before you study
This may sound stupid to some of you, but what I actually do is tricking my brain into loving studying. I can hear you asking "But how?". It's actually quite simple, think coding is like gaming or spending time on social media, something that you can give yourself as a reward. And when brain gets reward it creates dopamine and basically you become happy. Brain remembers why it got that reward and the next time I study hopefully I become more motivated and focused. At least that's how I believe it works, I'm not an expert at this area.
Other Reasons
- Learning new skills and sharpening the existing ones
- Creating a daily coding habit
- Starting a blog and creating content about programming
- Being a part of open-source community
- Using my time for important things
OK, but what is my goals?
In this journey I'm planning to achieve these new skills:
- Vue.js
- Nuxt.js
- Websockets (actually I worked with websockets but it was a long time ago)
- Supabase
- Authentication services
- CockroachDB
And the skills I'd like to get better at:
- Designing responsive websites
- Flutter
- Firebase
- React & Next.js
- UI Designing
- SQL & NoSQL databases
- Go
What I did in Day 1? (Finally)
For starting, I thought I need to learn something new so I don't get bored from day 1. Then I found this tutorial, basically it's about creating a website using Vue 3, Vuex 4 and Firebase. But since I want to learn Supabase, I decided to change tech stack a little bit. So here is my tech stack:
- Supabase instead of Firebase
- Vue 3 and Vuex 4 is same obviously
- TailwindCSS instead of plain styles that tutor has created
- And Typescript instead of Javascript
After that decision I opened up VSCode and created app using vue cli. Then I setup TailwindCSS and create the folder structure. And finally I created the navbar below:
Github Repository for this project
Vue web app with vuex and supabase
Project setup
yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn serve
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn build
Lints and fixes files
yarn lint
Customize configuration
It was very fun to code it. Anyway then I created a basic login page, and unfortunately that's all for day 1. Because I also studied, made research about Vue tutorials and I played video games. So that was all I could in remaining time. I know it's not a great start but still it's a start and I suppose that's the important thing. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be more productive.
Do you have any recommendations for me? I'd be glad to read them down in the comments, have a nice & productive day!
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