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Using Blockchain & IoT during organ transportation

Technology has made possible to imagine incredible things, but we cannot lose sight of the reason we create: people.

We must continue creating to improve our present and also our future, and one of the most important issues we can improve on is in the medical field. In idiWork we have imagined what it would be like to combine IoT with blockchain for the transport of volatile goods, such as organs in transplant surgeries.

Through IoT, we can have continuous information on the state of an organ. With Azure technology, we can transmit information about the organ in real time, and with blockchain, that it is transmitted under any circumstance and in a secure way.

In addition, through the smart contract that we will create with blockchain, we will maintain an meticulous record of each action that is performed throughout this process, in addition making sure that each party involved is synchronized, taking action at the time that is required.

This is the structure of the project, in which we can see how we obtain the information from the physical device, registering it properly and registering it...

... so that each event and useful information reaches all the users involved:

Do you want to know how we have achieved it? In idiWork you will find the step by step process in great detail, from the IoT device setting to the Azure functions development, to learn how this technology works and to continue creating.

Want to know more?

First part: IoT device setup 🔌

In the first part, we will make the IoT device setup through Azure IoT hub.

We register the device we work with, configuring its Wi-Fi connection and making possible the transmission of information with Azure services. You can even follow the process with the device in our video, an MxChip AZ3166. Check it out:

Second part: Blockchain Worbench App 🔒

In the second part, you will learn how to create a Blockchain Worbench App. Here we will detail one of the most important parts of this process: the smart contract. We can define all possible states of the organ that is transported, the minimum and maximum temperature, and the parts that operate in each state as well. Thus everything is coordinated to avoid errors, and facilitate all parties to act in the moment and in the way they should.

Third part: Azure Function App 💻

In the end, the third part will show how to create a Azure Function App to register all telemetries. We will specify the values of the telemetries that we register, and you can explore in detail the code in C#, where we see how to authorize the actions of the process and how the information is serialized or deserialized in JSON.

You can even see this experiment in action, don't miss it!

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Using Blockchain & Internet of Things During Organ Transportation

Experiment #101 - Organ Transportation

Using Blockchain & IoT During Organ Transportation.

Project Date:
  • May - August 2019
  • Azure IoT Central
  • Azure IoT Hub
  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Azure Blockchain Workbench
Technology used:
  • Internet of Things
  • Blockchain


This Experiment researches the possibilities of combining Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain for transportation of volatile goods. IoT allows us to communicate with devices and collect ambient measurements like temperature and humidity from different sensors. The different components involved send and receive data and the Blockchain structure stores, transmits and verifies this data with integrity and in a secure way.


The experiment attempts to simulate the real time monitoring of environmental conditions in the transportation of volatile goods from one point to another, verifying at all times that the obtained values falls within the established security parameters.


For this experiment we chose the case…

Thanks for reading, see you in the next experiment!

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