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Spice up Your Terminal With a Todo Reminder Using Starship Prompt and iZiDo Bash Script

This tutorial demonstrates how to integrate a todo reminder into your terminal prompt using the Starship prompt and a Bash script named iZiDo. The setup allows you to manage and display your tasks directly within your terminal.


iZiDo terminal to-do in action
We'll cover:

  • Configuring a custom module in starship.toml
  • Creating the Bash script for todo management
  • Using the script to update your prompt with task reminders
  • Setting up the script for both Bash and Zsh shells


  • Starship Prompt installed and configured.
  • Basic knowledge of editing configuration files and running scripts.
  • A terminal emulator of your choice.
  • Bash or Zsh shell.

Step 1: Update Your starship.toml Configuration

Begin by modifying the starship.toml file to include a custom module that displays your todo messages in the prompt.

Locate Your starship.toml

The configuration file is typically located at ~/.config/starship.toml.

Modify the Configuration

Add the following content to your starship.toml:

# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Use custom format
format = '''
[│ ](#555a64)$git_branch

# Define a custom module named 'izido'
command = """
if [ -f ~/.config/show_izido ] && [ -f ~/.config/starship_izido.txt ]; then
    sayings=("Chop Wood, Carry Water."
             "Keep Calm and Code On."
             "Ship It, Take a Break."
             "Founder Mode.")
    index=$((RANDOM % ${#sayings[@]}))
    echo "┌─❮ $saying"
    awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS=""} $1=="pending" {
        icon = ($2=="high") ? "⌛ " : "📝 "
        if ($3 != "none") {
            print icon $4 " (Due: " $3 ")"
        } else {
            print icon $4 ""
        count += 1
        if (count >= 3) exit
    }' ~/.config/starship_izido.txt 2>/dev/null
when = '''
test -f ~/.config/show_izido && test -f ~/.config/starship_izido.txt
format = '''

# Time Module
disabled = false
format = '🕙 [$time]($style) '
time_format = '%T'
utc_time_offset = '+2'
time_range = '10:00:00-14:00:00'

# Character Module (Prompt Symbol)
success_symbol = "[➜](bold #0A84FF)"
error_symbol = "[➜](bold #FF3B30)"

# Directory Module
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = "…/"
style = "bold #34C759"

# Git Branch Module
symbol = " "
style = "bold #ff70cd"
disabled = false

# Git Status Module
style = "bold #007AFF"
ahead = "⇡"
behind = "⇣"
diverged = "⇕"
renamed = "➦"
deleted = "✖"
staged = "✚"
untracked = "…"
modified = "✱"
conflicted = "!"
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  • format: Defines the overall structure of your prompt, including the custom module $custom.izido.
  • [custom.izido]: Configures the custom module named izido.
    • command: Executes a shell command to display a random saying and the top three pending todos from starship_izido.txt.
    • when: Displays the module only if both show_izido and starship_izido.txt exist.
    • format: Specifies how the output appears in the prompt.

Resulting Prompt Structure

  • First Line: Displays a random saying followed by up to three pending todos with icons.
  • Subsequent Lines: Show the current time, Git branch, and current directory.

Step 2: Create the Bash Script to Manage Your Todos

Create a script named to handle todo operations.

Create the Script File

Create a new file called

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Add the Following Content to



# Ensure the izido task list file exists
touch "$IZIDO_FILE"

function add_izido() {
    local priority="$1"
    local due_date="$2"
    shift 2
    local task="${*// /_}"
    echo "pending,$priority,$due_date,$task" >> "$IZIDO_FILE"
    echo "Added: $task with priority $priority and due date $due_date"

function list_todos() {
    local filter="$1"
    if [ ! -s "$IZIDO_FILE" ]; then
        echo "No todos found."
    printf "%-5s %-10s %-10s %-12s %s\n" "ID" "Status" "Priority" "Due_Date" "Task"
    awk -v filter="$filter" -F, '{
        if (filter == "" || $1 == filter || $2 == filter) {
            status_color = (status == "pending") ? "\033[33m" : "\033[32m"
            priority_color = (priority == "high") ? "\033[31m" : ((priority == "normal") ? "\033[34m" : "\033[36m")
            printf "%-5d %s%-10s\033[0m %s%-10s\033[0m %-12s %s\n", id, status_color, status, priority_color, priority, due_date, task
    }' "$IZIDO_FILE"

function mark_done() {
    local id="$1"
    if [ -z "$id" ]; then
        echo "Please provide the ID of the task to mark as done."
    sed -i "${id}s/^pending/done/" "$IZIDO_FILE"
    echo "Marked task $id as done."

function remove_todo() {
    local id="$1"
    if [ -z "$id" ]; then
        echo "Please provide the ID of the task to remove."
    sed -i "${id}d" "$IZIDO_FILE"
    echo "Removed task $id."

function clear_todos() {
    > "$IZIDO_FILE"
    echo "Cleared all todos."

function izido_view() {
    if [ "$1" == "on" ]; then
        touch ~/.config/show_izido
        echo "iZiDo on."
    elif [ "$1" == "off" ]; then
        rm -f ~/.config/show_izido
        echo "iZiDo off."
        echo "Usage: $0 view {on|off}"

case "$1" in
    if [ "$1" == "-p" ]; then
        shift 2
    if [ "$1" == "-d" ]; then
        shift 2
    add_izido "$priority" "$due_date" "$@"
    list_todos "$2"
    mark_done "$2"
    remove_todo "$2"
    izido_view "$1"
    echo "Usage: $0 {add [-p priority] [-d due_date] task|list|done ID|remove ID|clear|view {on|off}}"
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  • Shebang (#!/bin/bash): Specifies that the script runs with Bash.
  • IZIDO_FILE: Path to the todo list file.
  • Functions:
    • add_izido: Adds a new todo with optional priority and due date.
    • list_todos: Lists all todos, optionally filtered by status or priority.
    • mark_done: Marks a todo as done based on its ID.
    • remove_todo: Removes a todo based on its ID.
    • clear_todos: Clears all todos.
    • izido_view: Toggles the visibility of the Izido module in the prompt.
  • Argument Handling: Uses a case statement to handle commands (add, list, done, remove, clear, view).

Make the Script Executable

chmod +x
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Step 3: Configure the Script for Your Shell

Ensure that the script is accessible from your shell by adding it to your shell's initialization file.

For Bash Users

  1. Move the Script to a Directory in Your PATH

It's common to place custom scripts in ~/bin or ~/.local/bin. If you choose ~/bin, ensure it's in your PATH.

   mkdir -p ~/bin
   mv ~/bin/
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  1. Add the Directory to Your PATH (if not already included)

Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

   export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
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  1. Source the Script in Your ~/.bashrc (Optional)

If you want to use aliases for convenience, add them to your ~/.bashrc:

   alias izido='bash ~/bin/'
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Reload your ~/.bashrc:

   source ~/.bashrc
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For Zsh Users

  1. Move the Script to a Directory in Your PATH

Place the script in ~/bin or ~/.local/bin:

   mkdir -p ~/bin
   mv ~/bin/
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  1. Add the Directory to Your PATH (if not already included)

Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc:

   export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
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  1. Source the Script in Your ~/.zshrc (Optional)

Add aliases for convenience:

   alias izido='bash ~/bin/'
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Reload your ~/.zshrc:

   source ~/.zshrc
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Step 4: Using the Izido Script

Enable the Izido Module in Your Prompt

To display todo reminders in your prompt, enable the Izido module:

./ view on
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iZiDo on.
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Add a New Todo

Add a new todo with optional priority and due date:

./ add -p high -d 2024-11-03 "Post to"
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Added: Post to with priority high and due date 2024-11-03
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List All Todos

List all current todos:

./ list
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ID    Status     Priority   Due_Date     Task
1     pending    high       2024-11-03    Post to
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Mark a Todo as Done

Mark a todo as done using its ID:

./ done 1
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Marked task 1 as done.
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Remove a Todo

Remove a todo using its ID:

./ remove 1
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Removed task 1.
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Clear All Todos

Remove all todos:

./ clear
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Cleared all todos.
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Disable the Izido Module in Your Prompt

To hide the todo reminders:

./ view off
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iZiDo off.
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Step 5: Configure Shell Initialization (Optional)

To automatically load iZiDo when you start your terminal, you can add the enable command to your shell's initialization file.

For Bash Users

Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc: view on
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For Zsh Users

Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc: view on
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Reload your shell configuration:

  • Bash:
  source ~/.bashrc
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  • Zsh:
  source ~/.zshrc
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Step 6: See It in Action

Before Setting a Todo

Your prompt may appear as follows:

🕙 14:30:00 
││ on main
│…/izido ❯
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After Adding a Todo

After adding a todo:

./ add -p high -d 2024-11-03 "Post to"
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Your prompt updates to:

┌─❮ Chop Wood, Carry Water.
📝 Post to (Due: 2024-11-03)
🕙 14:30:00 
││ on main
│…/izido ❯
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Final Thoughts

Integrating a custom module into your starship.toml and utilizing the Bash script allows for managing and displaying todo reminders directly within your terminal prompt. This setup provides a method to keep track of tasks without leaving the terminal environment.


Share Your Experience

I am new to all this, so quite curious how others have customized their terminal prompts? Please, share your methods and tools in the comments.


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