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My Tech Journey: Lessons Learned as a Junior Developer

My Tech Journey: Lessons Learned as a Junior Developer

In 2021, I graduated from university with a degree in mathematics, I realized that pursuing a career in that field was not something that interested me. Instead, I found myself drawn to website development, something I had already enjoyed even before attending university. In this article, I will share my experiences as a junior developer and the lessons I learned along the way.

Learning JavaScript and React
In 2022, I began my journey to become a web developer by learning JavaScript, followed by React. I quickly fell in love with React — everything from its name to its popularity drew me in, building all my projects on GitHub with it. However, in hindsight, I now realize that I rushed into React without fully grasping the basics of JavaScript. This made it challenging for me to learn other aspects of frontend development.

Getting a Job as a Junior Developer
In March 2023, I landed a job. However, I did not get the job based on my technical competence, as the interview process focused on non-code-related topics. Although I was excited to join the team, I struggled with impostor syndrome, worrying about how I would cope with working alongside experienced coders.

The Reality of Being a Junior Developer
During my first week on the job, I experienced significant stress and headaches. I was working in a paid internship with a clause stating that I would retain my position if I performed well. This only added to my anxiety, as I did not want to mess up and risk losing my job. However, with the help of the internet and a React course on Udemy, I slowly began to learn and gain confidence in my abilities.

My journey so far has taught me a few key lessons:

  • Getting a job is one thing, but performing well on the job is another issue that junior developers should be prepared for.
  • It’s important to learn the core basics of JavaScript before moving on to any framework, as it will give you a better foundation for understanding and working with different frameworks.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help or seek out additional resources to broaden your knowledge and skills. The internet is a great tool for finding information and courses that can help you grow as a developer.

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