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Harshal Suthar
Harshal Suthar

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Progressive Web App Development using React.js: A comprehensive guide

React.js is a prominent solution for creating sophisticated UI interactions that connect with the server in real-time using JavaScript-driven websites. It is capable of competing with top-tier UI frameworks and greatly simplifies the development process.In this article, we will learn how to create a progressive web application using React.js (PWA). But, before we get started, we'll learn about progressive web apps and why they're so important.

PWA is a dynamic web application that may work independently and offers several benefits such as performance, flexibility in terms of utilizing it with or without an internet connection, platform-specific, and installable.

What is the importance of a progressive web application (PWA)?

A progressive web app is an enhanced type of web app that has some of the same capabilities as a native or platform-specific app.

For example, progressive web apps can be installed directly on a user’s home screen and can run in a standalone window. These apps run fast and reliably under poor network conditions and can even function offline.

Think of how your typical mobile user moves through changing environments while using your app. For example, they might start out in a building that has a reliable high-speed network. But, when they walk out to the street, they may lose Wi-Fi and fall back to cellular connectivity.

They might catch a strong 4G or even 5G signal, or, they may hit a low-service dip that only has 3G. How can they stay on your app in all network conditions, even when they have no connectivity at all?

A progressive web app lets you reach your users wherever they are and serve them fast and reliable user experiences in any network environment.

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How to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) with React.js?

It's necessary to set up your project before you can start coding. Let's begin by making sure you can use React (if you're already comfortable with React code, you can definitely skip this piece!). When using web frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue for development, you must use Node.js, especially if you intend to employ libraries and packages to speed up the process.

The Node Package Manager, also known as "npm," is a widely used tool for using such packages and libraries. You can start building your React application using webpack and install and remove packages using this program, among many other things. For your requirements, you can use npm to build a React application using a PWA template, allowing you to start coding right away. Whenever you begin developing a React project, you can use Facebook's templates by using the npm command "create-react-app."

Let's develop the PWA basic application by executing the following command:

npx create-react-app my-first-pwa-app --template cra-template-pwa 

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The following is a breakdown of the above command:

  • npm: Each npm command must begin with npm (or, more specifically, the node package manager you have installed; nonetheless, 'npx' is used here and is included with npm version 5.2.0). This facilitates the use of npm packages and manages numerous functionalities.
  • create-react-app: This command launches the well-known Create React App tool, which assists you in creating the basic react project.
  • Project Title: This is simply the application's placeholder title. You can give the name to the app whatever want. Here, the standard "my-first-pwa-app" name is utilized.
  • template: This is a debate. By adding an argument to a command, you are essentially turning on an option. You can choose a particular template for our beginning React application here.
  • cra-template-pwa: The PWA template for your PWA react application is called cra-template-pwa.

After executing this command, your PWA React application should begin to develop. Your command-line interface must offer a constant stream of prompts.

Image description

The folder structure of your program up to this point is shown here. When it comes to PWAs, there are a few files you should be aware of:


A service worker is a special type of web worker that intercepts network requests from a web app and controls how these requests are handled. In particular, the service worker can manage the caching of resources and retrieval of these resources from the cache, thereby supporting the offline-first mode that’s crucial for PWAs.

Planning to hire dedicated ReactJS developers?

Service workers provide essential support for running a progressive web application. A service worker takes the form of a JavaScript file that runs in a separate, non-blocking thread from the main browser thread.


In essence, this is a configuration file that lists several customizable properties for progressive web apps. When the application is presented, it can choose the icons, names, and colors to be used.

  "short_name": "React PWA",
  "name": "A React Todo PWA",
  "icons": [
      "src": "favicon.ico",
      "sizes": "64x64 32x32 24x24 16x16",
      "type": "image/x-icon"
      "src": "logo192.png",
      "type": "image/png",
      "sizes": "192x192"
      "src": "logo512.png",
      "type": "image/png",
      "sizes": "512x512"
  "start_url": ".",
  "display": "standalone",
  "theme_color": "#F4BD42",
  "background_color": "#2B2929",

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The functionality of these attributes in the manifest are:

  • The attributes "short_name" and "name" are used within the users’ home screens and icon banners respectively.
  • The "icons" is an array containing the set of icons used on home or splash screens.
  • The "start_url" is the page displayed on startup. In this case the home page.
  • The "display" property will be responsible for the browser view. When standalone, the app hides the address bar and runs in a new window like a native app.
  • Property "theme_color" is the color of the toolbar in the app.
  • Property "background_color" is the color of the splash screen.

We will link the manifest file to the index.html as


PWAs deliver native-like experiences and increased engagement through features such as home screen additions, push notifications, and many others that do not require installation. When built using React.js, these apps have the potential to provide a fantastic user experience with fantastic interaction. React.js is a prominent platform that competes with top-tier UI frameworks and considerably simplifies web app development. This article has walked you through the process of building a progressive web application using React.js. We also learned about the relevance of PWA in the business.

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