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ikbal arslan
ikbal arslan

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Javascript Coercion Corner Cases

Like any other language, JavaScript also has some corner cases, so it is a good idea to learn them. today I want to show you a corner case about auto coercion.

1 < 2 < 3 // true
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In this code the answer is true. but how let's check it step by step.

step 1 -> (1 < 2) < 3  
step 2 -> (true) < 3
step 3 -> 1 < 3 // true
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In this case, the answer becomes true by chance.
let's check another one

3 > 2 > 1; // false
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Mathematically this should be true but the execution says it is false lets check the code step by step

step 1 -> (3 > 2) > 1
step 2 -> (true) > 1
step 3 -> 1 > 1 // one is not bigger than one so should be false
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Whenever you do any calculation please keep in mind the auto coercion. because math and code do not always say the same thing

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