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Java Developer vs Python Developer

Python and Java are two popular programming languages that are both great and widely used. Despite their differences, they are both notable for their vast libraries and robust cross-platform support. However, they can be used for many purposes.

Java Introduction

Java was created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle) and launched in 1995. It’s also a statically typed general-purpose object-oriented programming language (performs type checking at compile time). Java was designed to be WORA (write once, run anywhere), which stands for “write once, run anywhere.”

Python Introduction

Python was released in 1991. It was created by Guido van Rossum at the Netherlands’ National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science.

This dynamically typed programming language was created to be versatile and readable. Python is dynamically typed, which means it performs type-checking at runtime. Python is one of the most popular programming languages due to its ease of use, and it is frequently compared to Perl, Ruby, and, of course, Java.

Application of JAVA and Python

Both Python and Java can often be used for Machine Learning and API interactions. However, on the one hand, Java is often used for enterprise-grade applications; on the other hand, Python is excellent for scientific and numeric computing.

Java is a well-known and extensively employed web development language, specifically among senior engineers. Java is a great choice for Desktop GUI applications, Enterprise Solutions, Embedded Systems, and online application services, in addition to asynchronous programming. It also has a supportive Natural Language Process community. Whereas, Python is very known for its outstanding data processing libraries (e.gDansk and Pandas), as well as data visualization (e.gMatplotlib) tools.

Key Differences

Java is a compiled language. Compiled languages translate source code into machine code before running it.

Python is an interpreted language, meaning it can instantly convert human-readable code into machine-readable code, making it easier to debug and review.


Python and Java are cross-platform languages since they both compile bytecode and run it on virtual machines. However, Java compiles code in advance and distributes the bytecode, while Python tends to compile the code at runtime.

The compilation is actually faster and easier using Java’s static-typing syntax than with Python’s dynamic typing. Despite the shortcomings noted above, the static-typing syntax is less prone to errors and is more stringent when it comes to the target platform, resulting in better code compilation.


For Java, there is more code to review and fix, as well as more code to review. However, there is a bright side to this. Because everything must be checked and verified before running, the code must be well-written, and the software may be more stable and less prone to crashes as a result.

As a result, Java is frequently seen as the finest choice for businesses such as banks. In fact, Java is frequently connected with traditional corporate languages. Python, on the other hand, has proven to be capable of handling large-scale software.


In Python, the development is incredibly fast due to the easiness, simplicity, and practicality to write in this language. When working against the clock, Python is most likely the best solution. Java projects tend to take longer and may require larger development teams.

Which one to Choose?

Python is projected to run slower than Java, but it is also expected to require less time to develop. Python programs are usually shorter than equivalent Java programs because of the built-in high-level data type and dynamic typing, making them easier and faster to write.

Because Java necessitates more code and everything must be pre-defined, developers will require more time to examine everything and correct any potential flaws. The more code there is, the more complicated it becomes. Nonetheless, the rigor required to produce good code might result in software that is more stable and robust.

To conclude, Python is slower to run but faster to launch. Java, on the other hand, is slower to start but faster to run. Finally, the superior programming language is the one that is appropriate for the type of software program that the developer intends to construct. Developers, in theory, would benefit from understanding both languages, as mentioned.

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