DEV Community

Danny Perez
Danny Perez

Posted on • Originally published at

webdriverIO tips: get text from a list of items

There's a few ways to go about getting text from a list of elements, but there's been a few gotchas when working with a dynamic webapp where elements are added/removed from the DOM (like react and angular).

The easiest way should be to:

// get some of the headers on
> browser.getText("#mp-topbanner > ul > li")
[ 'Arts',
  'All portals' ]
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One exception that I seem to get intermittently with browser.getText(selector) (and also with waitForVisible) is the damn Invalid Argument error. Here's an example of the issue

> browser.url('')
> browser.getText('nav > ul > li')
[ 'I/O',
  'Developer Guide',
  'API Version',
  '' ]
> browser.getText('nav > ul > li')
            throw e;

Error: Invalid argument
    at new RuntimeError (node_modules/webdriverio/build/lib/utils/ErrorHandler.js:143:12)
    at Request._callback (node_modules/webdriverio/build/lib/utils/RequestHandler.js:316:39)
    at Request.self.callback (node_modules/webdriverio/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22) Invalid argument
[chrome desktop #0-0] Error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
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The first call to getText succeeded, and the second call which ran immediately after ran into an error. I believe the error message is coming from Selenium server, and it sends back a very helpful message about invalid arguments. It tends to happen when your selector returns too many elements. In the above example, the selectors were returning 8/9 elements. I've also seen it crap out even with 3 elements, so there's something else going on there.

Here's a workaround. Query for the elements and loop over them manually. I've found this to be a lot less flaky:

> $$("#mp-topbanner > ul > li").map(function(element){
    return element.getAttribute('innerText')
[ 'Arts',
  'All portals' ]
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Selenium can be flaky, and while webdriverio does a good job at making writing tests a lot easier, it does have to deal with the webdriver API at the end of the day. If you're seeing SocketException: Invalid argument, its best to skip the convenience of getText and loop over your elements.

Last week, I started working on integrating a test suite previously built using Nightwatch, and making it work with webdriverIO. While I love all of webdriverIO’s features like synchronous code when using their test runner and a REPL, there were a few things that I’d like to share which were a little hard to find in the docs or on a quick search.

In case you missed it... Each day this week, I've been posting one thing I've learned while setting up webdriverIO. Check out my previous posts here:

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