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Which One is Best: A Full Stack Developer or a Single Technology Expert?

On the one side the constant and rapid changes in the web app development industry, make the global developer's community liable to enhance the standard and level of their programming skill sets. Hence, the full-stack development was invented in which the developers are now able to deliver the outstanding results in the development of a mobile application under the stage of multiple tech backgrounds though it is front-end or back-end. Likewise, on the second side, the global business community of every business sector is also looking for a bright future ahead with the integration of a techie solution in their business in the figure of a multi-functioning mobile application. Therefore, with this intention, business individuals are loving to hire an application developer who can build a mobile app for their business.

Meanwhile, at the time of hiring a developer a business person may gets confused as to whom they need to hire for the creation of their mobile application, a developer with having a specialty in a single technology or a full stack developer? Well, to reach any conclusion, first of all, you need to understand basic differences between a full stack developer and a specialized developer, after then you can easily choose a perfect option.

Who is a Front-end developer and what are their roles and responsibilities?
A full-stack developer is a person in the web app development field who is responsible to work on any particular web app development technology environment, no matter whether that tech background is front-end or back-end. In simple terms, we can assume that a full stack developer can work on a mobile app development project that has the involvement of multiple tech aspects like website, database, UI, UX, etc. Besides that, a full stack developer is all the way responsible to fulfill the following duties:

• A full-stack developer has to knowledgeable with the trendiest front-end technologies like Angular, Node, React, JS and more.

• Also, a full stack developer needs to have the sound knowledge of several popular back-end development technologies like PHP, Java, Asp.Net, etc.

• The in-depth knowledge of UI and UX designing is also a must required to be known as a full stack developer.

• A full-stack developer is also liable to have the core knowledge of markup languages like HTML and CSS, and databases like MongoDB, MySql, and more.

• Along with the hardcore knowledge of multiple tech aspects, the knowledge of software and app testing with numerous testing tools like test complete, katalon studio, postman, etc, is also an important requirement for a developer to call as a full stack developer.

Pros of a full stack developer:

1- Expert in multiple tech stages - Core knowledge of all the trendy and latest software and domains which are useful to develop a class mobile application.

2- Cost controlling - Hiring a full stack developer can help to save a huge amount of money as with them you do not hire a team of multiple members as a designer, tester, etc. to assist you in the mobile app development. A single or two full stack developers can handle every aspect of the development procedure of an agile mobile app.

Cons of full stack developer

1- Improper time management - Due to the handling nature of several aspects of mobile app development, a single full stack developer sometimes may get you stuck by skipping the time frame to deliver the project.

2- Uncontrolled duties: - As to be a full stack developer, a developer is required to have knowledge of multiple technologies and is also liable to develop an app alone and hence, they cannot divide the app development tasks in other team members.

Who is a single technology expert?

A developer with having expertise in a single technology is considered a specialist developer. Hence, they are likely to resolve all the techie issues related to a single tech environment in which the particular developer is having expertise. Thus, the major and a single drawback of a specialized developer that they do not have the same understanding level of the mobile app development project requirement as a full stack developer can understand.

Pros of specialized developers:

1- Quality work - As a single technology expert is likely to work on a one single tech stage, therefore, these developers are having core knowledge of the relevant technology which helps them to deliver quality work in every single part of the mobile app development.

2- Division of duties - A specialized developer has a facility to divide the aspects of the project in a team like designing, development, testing, etc. and thus, they can complete the project in the quickest manner.

Cons of Specialized developer:

1- Higher in Cost
A specialized developer is always believed to take the higher costs for the development of a mobile application because they also need to hire different resources like a designer, tester to complete the project in a well way.

2- Dependency
Due to the knowledge base of just a single technology, a specialized developer has to be dependent on the third party. Well, sometimes these dependencies make some delay in the project delivery.

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