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Maik Damm
Maik Damm

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Unixporn on error handling.

Hello there 👋

After a long journey of testing different Linux desktops over the last 25 year's, i finaly landen on i3wm(gaps). I3wm is an manual tiling window manager, the "gaps" is an newer edition of i3wm.

Normally people like me, theme the i3wm to personal usage and share this on an reddit called unixporn

To not set up all things from begin, after an crash or system switch. It is common, to save so called .dotfiles on GitHub. You can than clone this on your local machine, after a fresh install and all settings are back.

But, what is with the Linux installation itself? Where is the backup of this? It is really annoying to install always the same packages, type the same commands, configure services.

So I decided, to write an own Post-Install setup (bitslixOS). This setup based on debian-net-nonfree_install and will install all packages, setup all things, clone your repo and so on.

In the planing/testing phase, i noticed that's not easy to handle and read the errors. So I had done an next decision -> write an own error library.

This is an standalon library in one file, that can be used on ANY script, simply by source the file. An preview is available on GitHub - bash_error_lib.

Errors will be catched by an trap, after that an entry in the log file will be done, than output on console. Because of unixporn, error output and log nice formated, as bonus, a part of source file (error) will be displayed.

The library also includes an debug output option. This can activated by var or fast option on console call.

Many things are to do, so please be patient.

GitHub - bash_error_lib.

Mfg iptoux.

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