JEST was my new best friend and TDD my new enemy. It was natural to write code, THEN test it. Suddenly, I had to do it the other way round. There is method to the madness though.
Red, green refactor...red, green, refactor... was all that was running through my hippocampus whilst washing dishes.
Mock functions and COVE (closed over variable enivroment) was the meal deal of the week.
Sounds complicated ? Is it ! For me anyway. It’s like setting a timer, waiting to go off, and then its times up.
Using the terminal was like my new home. I had become a lot more comfortable with paired programming and making new friends on my cohort. I soon came to realise how important it is to be able to communicate well and have good chemistry when partnering. That being more important than the coding aspect itself.
Everyone I partnered with were on the opposite side of the spectrum to me, however, they were all extremely kind and helpful. I never was made to feel inadequate or stupid.
So grateful.
One of my partner's even played the ukulele during our short lived pairing session. He set the bar too high !
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