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JavaScript Questions and Answers - core concepts

Hey! I want to share this collection of JavaScript core concepts.
I created a repository for it and every contribution will be appreciated.

The repository link: Welcome to JavaScript Questions and Answers


This is a collection of the concepts I have encountered throughout my career's path and the questions I have asked about them. Some questions might seem redundant but the purpose of this is to investigate, where present, the connections between different concepts that make this language so interesting and flexible. There are also practical examples of topics whose definition is known but perhaps have never been used in practice. These questions and answers can be used to prepare for an interview or for personal study and lecture.

In writing the answers I was helped by AI and the book "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide" by David Flanagan.


I've encountered many times a list of questions and answers written for preparing an interview. I began to get the feeling that the answers were accurate but that the concepts were not connected.
In the real world when we use JavaScript at work or for one of our projects it is important to understand the connection of the concepts between them. For example: what is the connection between closures and high order function? How important is the comprehension of all the event flow phases in order to understand a single event?

See the connections is decisive for completing a task in the most efficient way, that's because you can understand WHY and not only HOW to do a thing in a determined way.


You can find in this repository some practical example of some concept like Proxy. You can find the definition of it but have you have used it in practice? You can find practical usages for that and understand, in some cases, you can use it as a store instead of installing new state managers.


As mentioned, this repository is open to contributions. The only thing to have in mind is the purpose is to explore the nature of a concept and not only to add a definition of it.
I hope this can be useful for someone of you as it was for me to ask myself these questions.

So, Welcome to JavaScript Questions and Answers! 🤓

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