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The 8000+ Programming Languages Not to Learn: Making Your Own Choices

When you are new to programming/testing and you want to learn or start learning a specific programming language the number of programming languages available can be overwhelming.

According to some studies there have been more than 8000 programming languages developed throwout time and that number keeps increasing.

With so many articles and blogs suggesting the “best” or “top” programming languages to learn, it’s easy to get lost in the noise and lose sight of what truly matters: making your own informed choices.

From popular and widely-used languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, to obscure and niche languages like Malbolge and Shakespeare, the options seem endless.

The traditional approach to learning programming languages often involves seeking out the most popular ones or the languages with the most job opportunities. While this approach has its merits, it might not always be the best fit for everyone. The truth is, there is no definitive “best” programming language that suits everyone’s needs and interests.

Programming languages, like spoken languages, are tools of expression, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Deciding which language to learn should be a personal and thoughtful process that aligns with your individual goals, interests, and projects.

Here are some reasons why you should consider choosing your own path in the vast landscape of programming languages:

  • Personal Interest: The programming language you choose should be one that sparks your curiosity and enthusiasm. If you have a genuine interest in a specific language, you’re more likely to stay motivated and engaged throughout the learning process.
  • Project Requirements: Different programming languages are better suited for specific tasks and projects. For example, web development often involves languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while data analysis might require Python or R. Tailoring your language choice to your projects will enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  • Learning Style: Everyone has a different learning style. Some might prefer hands-on, practical learning, while others thrive in theoretical or academic environments. Certain languages might align better with your learning style and make the learning journey more enjoyable.
  • Long-Term Goals: Consider your long-term career goals and aspirations. If you’re interested in becoming a mobile app developer, learning Swift or Kotlin might be more relevant than starting with C++. Aligning your language choices with your future ambitions will give you a head start in your chosen field.
  • Innovation and Niche Fields: The programming world is constantly evolving, and new languages emerge regularly to address specific challenges or industries. Exploring niche languages may lead you to exciting opportunities and unique problem-solving approaches.
  • While it’s essential to research and gather information about different programming languages, you don’t have to follow the crowd and choose the languages that everyone else is learning. Resist the urge to be swayed solely by popularity or external opinions. Instead, focus on your passions, your ambitions, and what excites you about programming.

The beauty of programming lies in the freedom it offers to create and innovate. You have the power to shape your journey as a programmer and forge your unique path. Don’t feel compelled to chase after the latest trends or the so-called “hot” languages. Embrace your individuality and explore the programming languages that resonate with you on a deeper level.

Here are some steps to help you make informed decisions about which programming languages to learn:

  • Self-Reflection: Take some time to understand your interests, strengths, and long-term goals. Consider the type of projects you’d like to work on and the areas of technology that fascinate you the most.
  • Research: Look into different programming languages and their use cases. Read about the experiences of other developers who have worked with those languages to gain valuable insights.
  • Experimentation: Try out a few programming languages in small projects or tutorials. Hands-on experience will provide a better sense of how a language feels and whether it aligns with your preferences.
  • Seek Guidance: Reach out to experienced programmers, mentors, or online communities to seek advice and learn from their experiences. However, remember that the final decision rests with you.
  • Embrace Growth: As you progress in your programming journey, you might find yourself drawn to new languages or technologies. Embrace the opportunity to learn and evolve, as this is a natural part of the software development field.

In conclusion, the idea that there is a definitive list of the “best” or “top” programming languages to learn is a fallacy.
Your journey as a programmer is unique, and your choice of programming languages should reflect your interests, ambitions, and personal growth.

Embrace the freedom to explore and experiment, and remember that it’s the journey, not just the destination, that matters most in your quest to become a skilled and passionate programmer. Happy coding!

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