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10 unusual programming languages that will drive you nuts πŸ€ͺ on January 30, 2024

Malbolge – the most difficult language in the world Get it here Features: interpreter, command interpreter A language with no standard...
moozzyk profile image
Pawel Kadluczka β€’ β€’ Edited

Two notable languages I found missing from this list:

  • Brainfuck where Hello World! looks like this:
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  • Rockstar programming language introduced by Dylan Beattie in his epic talk The Art of Code

Fun fact:
Microsoft used the Ook language to show how to add support for new languages to Visual Studio.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ β€’

Also missed was JavaScript. Here's Hello World!:

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eljayadobe profile image
Eljay-Adobe β€’

Oh myyy! That offends my delicate sensibilities.

Could you please censor it to b****fuck. Thanks!

efpage profile image
Eckehard β€’ β€’ Edited

You should add Forth (see also here ).

Forth uses a very small core (often < 8kB), that is extended by the user code, so the installation often contains only the bare minimum necessary to compile some code. A full-featured Forth system with all source code will compile itself, a technique commonly called meta-compilation or self-hosting.

Forth was and is used to write real applications, but it is also famous for the fact, that the code is quite unreadable. It could happen that a programmer was not able to tell, what the code was meant to do, two week after he/she had written it.

This is, how Hello World looks like in FORTH:

: HELLO  ( -- )  CR ." Hello, World!" ;

HELLO <cr>
Hello, World!
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greenteaisgreat profile image
Nathan G Bornstein β€’

Velato is SO COOL!! I can't believe I haven't heard of that before. Also, I think the Get it here link for Velato is broken. It doesn't seem to go anywhere. Super awesome article!

ispmanager_com profile image β€’

Thank you for your feedback! We fixed the link to Velato

leob profile image
leob β€’

Love this - the one I knew and was previously somewhat "proficient" in :-P is LOLCode!

ranjancse profile image
Ranjan Dailata β€’


Among everything, I loved the Chef and Piet :)

jangelodev profile image
JoΓ£o Angelo β€’

Thanks for sharing !

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal β€’

I was hooked the moment I saw the banner.
Writing this comment without reading the post. Gonna do it. LOL!

rickrickiin profile image
Rickrickiin β€’

programming languages ​​can be really difficult.

tandrieu profile image
Thibaut Andrieu β€’

I love PIET !

Especially the program to compute PI with arbitrary precision, which basically consist in drawing a circle and counting its pixels 🀣

Image description

knopkem profile image
Michael Knopke β€’

Love it

andylarkin677 profile image
Andy Larkin β€’

new knowledge never hurts. even if you never use them. but it was very interesting

vadimnevlad profile image
Vadym Marukhnenko β€’

Interesting, Thanks for sharing!

citronbrick profile image
CitronBrick β€’

While it's not exotic as the others on this list,
I (& quite some acquaintances) find Objective C's syntax to be bizarre & counter intuitive.