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The most funded open source projects on IssueHunt


IssueHunt is an issue based bounty platform for open source projects.

Welcome Settings Sync, Redux Box, typesafe-actions and docz to IssueHunt recently! We love seeing many projects joining the movement!

And It’s FOSS wrote an article about IssueHunt 🎊

Featured Projects


Settings Sync

Synchronize your Visual Studio Code Settings Across Multiple Machines using Github GIST.
Amount: $1,654

View it on IssueHunt


React & Redux in TypeScript — Static Typing Guide

The complete guide to static typing in “React & Redux” apps using TypeScript.
Amount: $812

View it on IssueHunt

Top 10 funded issues already paid to owners and contributors

1, $276 / react-redux-typescript-guide: Dispatch<> type parameter provides a type-safe dispatch() function

2, $266 / react-redux-typescript-guide: Hall of Contributors

3, $266 / ant-design: Use React SVG components for icons instead of an icon font

4, $256 / typesafe-actions: Add issue template

5, $256 / typesafe-actions: specify that a polyfill for Object.assign is needed

6, $256 / code-settings-sync: Disable extension update messages

7, $90 / ant-design: Tabs component has a plan to support the custom render TabBar interface?

8, $60/ Boostnote: snippet notes are not displaying in markdown

9, $60 / Boostnote: Automatically generated TOC

10, $48.5 / Boostnote: Custom CSS

Current Leaderboard

1, $537 / ant-design: Documentation example request for InputNumber with comma as decimal separator

2, $500 / nw.js: Mac MAS ( signing ) for versions other than 0.19.5

3, $430 / code-settings-sync: Allow upload to repository

4, $336 / ant-design: Add props to config datepicker year format

5, $336 / ant-design: Improve Keyboard UX

6, $336 / code-settings-sync: Per-platform / per-hostname inline settings

7, $316 / code-settings-sync: Feature request : add a login(account) option to sync all settings using account

8, $306 / fluent-bit: handle multiline from nested JSON strings

9, $296 / nw.js: any plan about auto update?

10, $276 / react-redux-typescript-guide: Dispatch<> type parameter provides a type-safe dispatch() function

…and the top 5 projectsby amount received.
1, Ant Design ($4232)
2, Boostnote ($2820)
3, NW.js ($2462)
4, typesafe-actions ($1932)
5, code-settings-sync ($1654)

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