Hi. I need programming blogs to read. So, what are your programming blogs? You can also suggest blogs that are not yours.
Programming languages and technologies don't matter.
This is my blog sometimes I write in English.
Hi. I need programming blogs to read. So, what are your programming blogs? You can also suggest blogs that are not yours.
Programming languages and technologies don't matter.
This is my blog sometimes I write in English.
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DrPrime01 -
EronAlves1996 -
Ravin Rau -
Best Codes -
Top comments (45)
From the top of my head -
( Will keep adding as and when I remember more blogs )
Yes, I know Hacker Noon. One of the bests blogs. I also recommend Codeburst.io
No one's gonna say dev.to? Ok, DEV.to has lots of great content. If I could share with you my readinglist I would, I use it as bookmarks. Also Twitter is great for tech news and research :D
I've actually been keeping track of my Reading List in a git snippet to kinda open source it. Moreso so my reading list remains just stuff to read rather than a mix of stuff to read and stuff to reference later.
I write at Assert Not Magic.
I also generally cross-post everything on dev.to. :)
This is my blog.
I try to post a coding tutorial or short guide ever day (been doing this since January). Can't break the strike now 😁
^ @flaviocopes 's blog is amazing, the content is well-written and amazingly consistent 😯
I'd like to suggest Joel on Software and Hacker News. I would suggest Hacker Noon but Tata Ganesh got to it first.
I'd also plug my own website. I haven't been updating it since I got busy with academic work. I hope I can find time to write new posts.
Thanks. I know Joel's website. If I start today to read his blog, I think my reading process will end in 2030. There are 1114 posts on his website. It could be a good resource for everyone.
It is quite a lot! I tend to just read his top posts.
Go with medium. You can follow some good publications like codeburst.io, Netanal basal, Angularindepth.
I would recommend it since its useful for you to narrow down what topics you like will roam around your home page of medium
If you don't mind the programming content being mixed in with a lot of other very random things ranging from how sciences work to a screed about bioinformatics, I can point you to mine: madhadron.com
In no particular order;
I usually write here at Dev.to in English and at my Medium in Portuguese (and once a month in English) :)
As for the ones I usually read I love the posts here at Dev.to, it's a great community.
I write (sparingly) at hoelz.ro - mostly tips about command line tools like git, tmux, and vim. I also have a series on diving into a memory leak I found in the Perl 6 VM, how Perl 5 works under the hood, and an ongoing (but lapsed) series on learning new programming languages.