Updated version of this article is present at: angular-material.dev
Understand Theme of Angular Material and its different Components. 😎
This is the second part of the series. In part one, we created an Angular Project with Material Modules. We also created a Custom Theme and couple of helper modules (CustomMaterialModule
and SharedModule

Custom Theme for Angular Material Components Series: Part 1 — Create a Theme
Dharmen Shah for ITNEXT ・ Mar 24 '20
In this part, we will understand Material Theming by taking a deep look into Angular Material’s repo.
Let's start...
Understand Material Theming (a deep look into Angular Material’s repo)
Let’s take a look at related stylesheets (css/scss) on Angular Material’s Github repo. If you open the github repo, you would see below structure:
I will guide you through some important folders, which are directly related to Material Theme. But before that, I would like to remind you that in our application’s styles.scss and theme.scss files, we have these very important lines:
// src/style.scss
// LINE 3
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
// LINE 9
@include mat-core();
// src/theme.scss
// LINE 11
$theming-material-components-theme: mat-light-theme($theming-material-components-primary, $theming-material-components-accent, $theming-material-components-warn);
// src/style.scss
// LINE 20
@include angular-material-theme($theming-material-components-theme);
Just keep in mind above lines, we are going to relate them with some of files from Angular Material repo's src/material folder, you can keep that folder opened up in new tab or window, so that it would be easy for you to understand.
ℹ️ Tip: Look for the 💡, ⛳, ☝️, 👈, 👉 in the article, that will help you relate.
📁 src/material
In this folder, you can see they have made folders for each Material Component and few other (core, testing, schematics, etc.).
📁 src/material/<component-name>
For each component, there is a separate folder. And in each component they have a theme file. Theme file’s naming pattern is : _<component-name>-theme.scss. So, for MatToolbar
, it’s _toolbar-theme.scss and full path of the same is: src/material/toolbar/_toolbar-theme.scss. 👉 Now you know, how to find a theme file for any component 👈.
The other way to find components’ themes is through 💡 File Finder. Once you have opened the repo, click on Find File
button, which is on the right side of breadcrumbs.
You can simply enter filename in the pattern of: _<component-name>-theme.scss and you will directly see the related file.
ℹ️ Note that, each component has a theme file. We will see later on, how that is included in our application.
📁 src/material/core
This has core library code for other @angular/material
components. Other Material Components means, simply the components which you can’t see directly at https://material.angular.io/components/categories, but they are crucial.
Let’s dive in core folder.
📁 src/material/core/_core.scss
Let's (spend couple of minutes to) take a look at file:
@import '../../cdk/overlay/overlay'; | |
@import '../../cdk/a11y/a11y'; | |
@import '../../cdk/text-field/text-field'; | |
// Core styles that can be used to apply material design treatments to any element. | |
@import 'style/elevation'; | |
@import 'ripple/ripple'; | |
@import 'option/option-theme'; | |
@import 'option/optgroup-theme'; | |
@import 'selection/pseudo-checkbox/pseudo-checkbox-theme'; | |
@import 'typography/all-typography'; | |
// Mixin that renders all of the core styles that are not theme-dependent. | |
@mixin mat-core($typography-config: null) { | |
@include angular-material-typography($typography-config); | |
@include mat-ripple(); | |
@include cdk-a11y(); | |
@include cdk-overlay(); | |
@include cdk-text-field(); | |
} | |
// Mixin that renders all of the core styles that depend on the theme. | |
@mixin mat-core-theme($theme) { | |
@include mat-ripple-theme($theme); | |
@include mat-option-theme($theme); | |
@include mat-optgroup-theme($theme); | |
@include mat-pseudo-checkbox-theme($theme); | |
// Provides external CSS classes for each elevation value. Each CSS class is formatted as | |
// `mat-elevation-z$zValue` where `$zValue` corresponds to the z-space to which the element is | |
// elevated. | |
@for $zValue from 0 through 24 { | |
.#{$_mat-elevation-prefix}#{$zValue} { | |
@include _mat-theme-elevation($zValue, $theme); | |
} | |
} | |
// Wrapper element that provides the theme background when the user's content isn't | |
// inside of a `mat-sidenav-container`. Note that we need to exclude the ampersand | |
// selector in case the mixin is included at the top level. | |
.mat-app-background#{if(&, ', &.mat-app-background', '')} { | |
$background: map-get($theme, background); | |
$foreground: map-get($theme, foreground); | |
background-color: mat-color($background, background); | |
color: mat-color($foreground, text); | |
} | |
// Marker that is used to determine whether the user has added a theme to their page. | |
@at-root { | |
.mat-theme-loaded-marker { | |
display: none; | |
} | |
} | |
} |
To summarize, below is what's happening in this file:
- All of the CDK related styles are 🔁 imported (Lines 1–3)
- Other helper styles are imported (check-boxes, elevation, ripples, typography, etc.) (Lines 6–11)
- A mixin called 💡
is created (Lines 14–20). As the comment says, this renders all of the core styles that are not theme-dependent, like ripple effects, CDK behaviors, etc. 👉 Now you know from where are you including mat-core in application’s styles.scss 👈. - A mixin called 💡
is created (Lines 23–55). As per comments, this renders all of the core styles that depend on the theme, like color combination of ripples, color combination of elevations, etc. But wait 🤔, we didn’t call this in our styles.scss, so where it’s called? Let me reveal the ⛳ suspense later on.
📁 src/material/core/style
The style folder contains some common styling files. File names should give you a basic idea what it does. Going into detail of each file is beyond scope of this article.
📁 src/material/core/theming
This folder contains all the styles related to theming. Let’s go into it.
📁 src/material/core/theming/prebuilt
As you can see, it contains all 💡 prebuilt themes. 👉 Now you know, if you use any of prebuilt theme, from where it’s coming 👈.
📁 src/material/core/theming/_all-theme.scss
If you open the file and see, it has imported 💡 all the Material Component Themes in it, plus 💡 mat-core-theme
from src/material/core/_core.scss. And all the mixins are included in a new 💡 mixin called angular-material-theme
Does angular-material-theme
sound familiar 🤔? Yes, you’re right, 👉 we have included it in our styles.scss file👈 . Now everything is becoming more clear, right? (Don't say no...😜)
📁 src/material/core/theming/_palette.scss
As the name suggests, it has all the Material System Colors. But where these colors are used? Next file is the answer to that.
📁 src/material/core/theming/_theming.scss
If you open the file and see, first thing what it does is 💡 @import 'palette'
And it uses those palette colors in below 💡 five functions:
@function mat-contrast($palette, $hue);
@function mat-palette($base-palette, $default: 500, $lighter: 100, $darker: 700);
@function mat-color($palette, $hue: default, $opacity: null);
@function mat-light-theme($primary, $accent, $warn: mat-palette($mat-red));
@function mat-dark-theme($primary, $accent, $warn: mat-palette($mat-red));
If you are thinking 🤔, are those the same ☝️ functions which we used in our theme.scss file? Then I must say you have a 🧠 strong memory power and you’re ✔️ right! 👉 So now we know, from where our theme functions are coming 👈.
📁 src/material/core/typography
The content and structure is all most similar to src/material/core/theming. It would be now clear to you how it works.
One thing I would like to mention, 💡 a mixin angular-material-typography
of src/material/core/typography/_all-typography.scss is the main mixin responsible for typography related stuffs in Material Theme. 👉 And this same mixin is imported in src/material/core/_core.scss 👈.
Great! We are done with inspecting and finding related stylesheets. If you've read upto this, I have 3 claps for you: 👏👏👏
But, you would still have one ❓ question in mind. In our styles.scss file we are only importing one single file @import '~@angular/material/theming';
So, 🤔 how other files are getting loaded?
💡 When Angular Material Team 📦 packages and ⏫ publishes the Angular Material Package (@angular/material), they combine all the theming, typography, styles and core styles into one single file called *_theming.scss*, so that we don’t have to import multiple files.
💡 You can check the same by opening the file. In your project folder open this : **node_modules\@angular\material_theming.scss* . The first comment/line in the file says 👉 : "Import all the theming functionality".*
💡 Pre-built theme files are not included in main *_theming.scss*. The reason behind that is but obvious, if you want to create your custom theme, you wouldn’t want pre-built theme files load into your application. And if you want to include any of pre-built themes, we 🔁 import the respective theme file.

I know 😄 you must be feeling sleepy as it’s still difficult to remember how theming works, as there are lot of things included. I will try to explain again by an info-graphic:
Thank you,
for reading this article. In the next part, we will learn MatToolbar
's theme and apply the same to MatSidenav
and MatDialog
. We will also create a separate theme for MatSnackbar
and will use them as notifications.
Next part is also published:

Custom Theme for Angular Material Components Series: Part 3 — Apply Theme
Dharmen Shah for ITNEXT ・ Apr 4 '20
And yes, always believe in your self.
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