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Querying Active Users Based on Last Login Date with Firebase

At, we've developed over 30 projects using Next.js and Firebase, gaining invaluable insights into modern web development techniques. One area where Firebase shines is in managing and querying user data efficiently. In this article, I will discuss a practical example of using Firebase Database queries to retrieve active users based on their last login dates. This functionality is crucial for many applications that rely on user engagement metrics.

Understanding the Code

Here's the code snippet that we'll be exploring:

import { get watching Login DatesEfficient User Management with JSON Firebase

At [](, we've developed over 30 projectsusing Next.js and Firebase, g etDatabase, ref, startAt, orderByChild, query } from 'firebase/database';
const db = getDatabase();
const usersActiveQuery = query(ref(db, 'users'), orderByChild('last_login'), startAt('2022-01-01'));
onValue(usersActiveQuery, snapshot => { snapshot.forEach(userSnapshot => { console.log('Active user:', userSnapshot.val()); });});
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Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Importing Modules: The code begins by importing necessary functions from the 'firebase/database' package, essential for database operations.
  2. Database Reference: getDatabase is called to obtain a reference to our Firebase database.
  3. Query Construction: We construct a query to find users who have logged in after the start date of January 1, 2022. The orderByChild method orders users by the 'last_login' field, and startAt specifies the starting point for this order.
  4. Executing the Query: The onValue function listens for real-time updates. When user data matching the query conditions is found, it triggers a callback that logs the details of active users.

Why This Is Useful

This setup allows administrators and developers to track user engagement over time, identify active users, and tailor services to enhance user interaction. Real-time data handling provides immediate insights, which is crucial for dynamic decision-making in business environments.


Understanding user activity patterns can significantly impact the development and adaptation of web services. The method described here provides a robust tool for tracking such metrics. If you're interested in seeing this code in action, explore some of our applications like exploring multilingual expressions, managing disposable email accounts, and recording screens effortlessly.

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