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Jaydeep Pipaliya
Jaydeep Pipaliya

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Portals: The React Hack You Need to Know


What is a React Portal?

A React Portal is a mechanism that allows you to render child components in a different part of the DOM tree than where their parent component is located. This might sound complex, but it's actually quite powerful and can solve a variety of challenges that developers often face.

Why Use React Portals?

  • Overlays and Modals: Create modals, tooltips, or other overlays that appear on top of the main application without interfering with the layout or styling.
  • Rendering Components Outside the Parent: In certain scenarios, you might want to render a component outside of its parent's DOM container, such as appending to the body.
  • Avoiding Z-Index Issues: When dealing with complex UI structures, portals can help resolve z-index conflicts.

How to Use React Portals

To create a portal, you'll need to use the createPortal function from React DOM. Here's a basic example:

import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';

const myModal = document.getElementById('modal-root');

function MyModal() {
  return createPortal(<div className="modal">Hello, World!</div>, myModal);
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In this code, we're creating a portal that renders the MyModal component inside the element with the ID modal-root. This element should be outside of the main app's DOM tree.

Real-World Use Cases

  • Modals and Overlays: Create reusable modal components that can be rendered anywhere in the application without worrying about z-index conflicts.
  • Tooltips and Popovers: Place tooltips or popovers directly in the document body to avoid positioning issues.
  • Custom Render Targets: Render components in specific parts of the DOM for integration with third-party libraries or custom UI frameworks.

Best Practices

  • Use portals judiciously. They can be helpful, but overuse can lead to complex component structures.
  • Ensure proper cleanup when unmounting components to avoid memory leaks.
  • Consider using a portal library or custom hook to manage portal creation and cleanup.


React Portals are a valuable tool in your React development arsenal. By understanding how and when to use them, you can create more flexible, maintainable, and user-friendly applications. While they might seem complex at first, the benefits they offer are well worth the investment in learning.

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