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Abubakar Hassan
Abubakar Hassan

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How to build a minimal production-ready infrastructure with Terraform on DigitalOcean

This how-to will help you deploy a production-ready infrastructure on Digital Ocean using Terraform.


  1. Install Terraform
  2. Create a Digital Ocean account if you don't already have one (Use this link to get $100 credit)
  3. Generate a Personal Access Token for your Digital Ocean account to access the DigitalOcean API. Go to API => Tokens/Keys => Generate New Token. Save the string generated.
  4. Create a domain for your project. Go to Networking => Domains => Add domain

Initial setup terraform files

  • Open your terminal and create a new project directory, and open with you code editor.
$ mkdir minimal-prod`
$ cd minimal-prod`
$ code .
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  • Create the following terraform files:
$ touch
$ touch
$ touch
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  • In, specify the Digital Ocean terraform provider as follows:
terraform {
  required_providers {
    digitalocean = {
      source  = "digitalocean/digitalocean"
      version = "2.25.2"
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  • In, add the token required by the provider like this:
provider "digitalocean" {
  token = var.do_token
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  • In, create a new variable called do_token.
variable "do_token" {
  type        = string
  description = "Digital Ocean personal access token"
  default     = "<token_string>"
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If you wish to commit to your version control system, you might want to use a different file for more sensitive information, such as your Digital Ocean's personal access token. Create a new file terraform.tfvars and save the following to it:

do_token = "<digital_ocean_token>"
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Replace <digital_ocean_token> with the actual value generated.
⚠️ Make sure *.tfvars is in your .gitignore file.

  • Now prepare your working directory for other commands by running the following command:
$ terraform init
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Architecture Diagram

Below is a diagram representing the architecture that will be produced by executing the Terraform files at the end of this tutorial.

              |    Load Balancer   |                                        
 |            |                    |                |                     
 |            +--------------------+                |                     
 |                     |                            |                     
 |                     |                            |                     
 |                    http              +---------+ |                     
 |                     |                |         | |                     
 |                     |                |         | |                     
 |                     +-------SSH------| Bastion |<---SSH---
 |                     |                |         | |                     
 |                     |                |         | |                     
 |                     |                +---------+ |                     
 |          +----------+---------+                  |                     
 |          |          |         |                  |                     
 |          v          v         v                  |                     
 |      +-------+  +-------+  +-------+             |                     
 |      |  web  |  |  web  |  |  web  |             |                     
 |      +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+             |                     
 |          |          |          |                 |                     
 |          |          v          |                 |                     
 |          |     +----------+    |                 |                     
 |          |     |          |    |                 |                     
 |          +---->| database |<---+                 |                     
 |                |          |                      |                     
 |                +----------+                      |                     
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Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) setup

  • Create a file and add the following to build the VPC
resource "digitalocean_vpc" "web" {
  name     = "${}-vpc"
  region   = var.region
  ip_range = var.ip_range
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  • Add new variables to

variable "name" {
  type        = string
  description = "Infrastructure project name"
  default     = "minimal-prod"

variable "region" {
  type    = string
  default = "ams2"

variable "ip_range" {
  type        = string
  description = "IP range for VPC"
  default     = ""
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  • Run the command below to see the execution plan so far
$ terraform plan
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Web Servers setup

  • Add a few more variables to to be used in the future

variable "droplet_count" {
  type    = number
  default = 1

variable "image" {
  type        = string
  description = "OS to install on the servers"
  default     = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"

variable "droplet_size" {
  type    = string
  default = "s-1vcpu-1gb"

variable "ssh_key" {
  type = string

variable "subdomain" {
  type = string

variable "domain_name" {
  type = string
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  • Create a new file and add a data resource for our ssh key which will be pulled from Digital Ocean directly:
data "digitalocean_ssh_key" "main" {
  name = var.ssh_key
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  • Create a file hold all the resources we'll be creating for our web servers as follows:
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
  count     = var.droplet_count
  image     = var.image
  name      = "web-${}-${var.region}-${count.index + 1}"
  region    = var.region
  size      = var.droplet_size
  ssh_keys  = []
  vpc_uuid  =
  tags      = ["${}-webserver"]
  user_data = <<EOF
    - nginx
    - postgresql
    - postgresql-contrib
    - [ sh, -xc, "echo '<h1>web-${var.region}-${count.index + 1}</h1>' >> /var/www/html/index.html"]
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true
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  • Update terraform.tfvars with the following variables for our environment:
region        = "ams3"
droplet_count = 3
ssh_key       = "<ssh_key_name_on_digitalocean>"
domain_name   = "<domain_added_on_digitalocean>"
subdomain     = "app"
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  • Add a value for the domain you want to use in

data "digitalocean_domain" "web" {
  name = var.domain_name
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  • Create a lets encrypt certificate to be used by the load balancer. Add the following to the file
resource "digitalocean_certificate" "web" {
  name    = "${}-certificate"
  type    = "lets_encrypt"
  domains = ["${var.subdomain}.${}"]
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true
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You can use the Digital Ocean terraform provider to provide your own certificate if you want to.

  • Next, we create our load balancer with the correct forwarding rules and the firewall setup in This is to block all inbound traffic directly to the web servers from the internet.

resource "digitalocean_loadbalancer" "web" {
  name                   = "web-${var.region}"
  region                 = var.region
  droplet_ids            = digitalocean_droplet.web.*.id
  vpc_uuid               =
  redirect_http_to_https = true
  forwarding_rule {
    entry_port       = 443
    entry_protocol   = "https"
    target_port      = 80
    target_protocol  = "http"
    certificate_name =
  forwarding_rule {
    entry_port       = 80
    entry_protocol   = "http"
    target_port      = 80
    target_protocol  = "http"
    certificate_name =
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

resource "digitalocean_firewall" "web" {
  name        = "${}-only-vpc-traffic"
  droplet_ids = digitalocean_droplet.web.*.id
  inbound_rule {
    protocol         = "tcp"
    port_range       = "1-65535"
    source_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
  inbound_rule {
    protocol         = "udp"
    port_range       = "1-65535"
    source_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
  inbound_rule {
    protocol         = "icmp"
    source_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "tcp"
    port_range            = "1-65535"
    destination_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "udp"
    port_range            = "1-65535"
    destination_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "icmp"
    destination_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "udp"
    port_range            = "53"
    destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "tcp"
    port_range            = "80"
    destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "tcp"
    port_range            = "443"
    destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "icmp"
    destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
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  • Next, we create the record for the subdomain

resource "digitalocean_record" "web" {
  domain =
  type   = "A"
  name   = var.subdomain
  value  = digitalocean_loadbalancer.web.ip
  ttl    = 30
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Database resource

  • Next, we add a few more variables to be used to setup our database in as follows:

variable "db_count" {
  type    = number
  default = 1

variable "database_size" {
  type    = string
  default = "db-s-1vcpu-1gb"
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  • Next, create to build the database. For this example we will be creating a Postgres database.
resource "digitalocean_database_cluster" "postgres-cluster" {
  name                 = "${}-database-cluster"
  engine               = "pg"
  version              = "11"
  size                 = var.database_size
  region               = var.region
  node_count           = var.db_count
  private_network_uuid =

resource "digitalocean_database_firewall" "postgress-cluster-firewall" {
  cluster_id =
  rule {
    type  = "tag"
    value = "${}-webserver"
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Jump server (Bastion) for accessing our infrastructure

  • Next, we need to create a jump server (Bastion) to access our infrastructure. Create a with the following:
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "bastion" {
  image    = var.image
  name     = "bastion-${}-${var.region}"
  region   = var.region
  size     = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
  ssh_keys = []
  vpc_uuid =
  tags     = ["${}-webserver"]
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

resource "digitalocean_record" "bastion" {
  domain =
  type   = "A"
  name   = "bastion-${}-${var.region}"
  value  = digitalocean_droplet.bastion.ipv4_address
  ttl    = 300

resource "digitalocean_firewall" "bastion" {
  name        = "${}-only-ssh-bastion"
  droplet_ids = []
  inbound_rule {
    protocol         = "tcp"
    port_range       = "22"
    source_addresses = ["", "::/0"]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "tcp"
    port_range            = "22"
    destination_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
  outbound_rule {
    protocol              = "icmp"
    destination_addresses = [digitalocean_vpc.web.ip_range]
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  • Now you can apply the files and let terraform create the infrastructure on Digital Ocean
$ terraform apply
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You can use the --auto-approve flag to let terraform automatically continue without asking you for approval.

Access the server through the bastion host

  • Copy the domain name of the bastion host and ssh into it from your terminal.
$ ssh -A root@<FQDN of bastion host>
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Screenshot of bastion host after logging in

  • Copy the IP address of any of the web servers and ssh into it from the bastion host
$ ssh root@<private_ip_address_of_server>
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Delete infrastructure

This will undo everything. You can delete the infrastructure by running the following command:

$ terraform destroy
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That's it.

Thanks for the time reading this!

Let me know if you there's a way you think this infrastructure can be improved.

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Top comments (2)

jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

Great article, this is well written and very informative.

On top of making sure to add .tfvars extension to your .gitinore, you should also make sure your tfstate file is encrypted. Because when Terraform use a secret for creating resources, it writes the value to the tfstate as plain-text.

itssadon profile image
Abubakar Hassan

I totally agree with you, thanks for pointing this out. 👏

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