DEV Community

Milad khormaee
Milad khormaee

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🤖Ask-me a service designed to assist with various tasks٫‌🖼NFT creation, 📝generating quotes, 🎼audio transcription and ...

This is a submission for the Cloudflare AI Challenge.

What I Built

GIF Demo

UI may appear broken, but I couldn't have done better.

Technologies used in project:

  • FastAPi
  • React
  • Tailwind

⚠️Initially my idea was to create a simple image generator inspired by the impressive visuals of some NFTs. I wanted to throw myself deep down into the possibility of using a model to generate NFTs based on user input.

Additionally, I included a feature to help users improve their commands by upgrading and adding extra details into given command.
Also another feature allows users to request a quote along with an image of its author, adding a touch of authenticity.

🎈Moreover, Ask-me supports content in multiple languages by automatically translating it into English. Users can also upload audio files to receive a transcript containing all the words spoken, along with a word count.


🔥Live Demo💻

My Code

GitHub logo itz-Amethyst / ask-me

Your go-to for personalized NFT creation , quotes with it author image translate any context into English, can Identify the text inside an audio file (Cloudflare Hackathon)

Ask-me is a service designed to assist with various tasks, such as NFT creation, generating quotes, and translation.

🔥Live Demo💻

GIF Demo

Technologies used in project:

  • FastAPi
  • React
  • Tailwind

UI may appear broken, but I couldn't have done better.

⚠️Initially my idea was to create a simple image generator inspired by the impressive visuals of some NFTs. I wanted to explore the possibility of using a model to generate NFTs based on user input.

Additionally, I included a feature to help users improve their commands by providing feedback and suggestions. Another feature allows users to request a quote along with an image of its author, adding a touch of authenticity.

🎈Moreover, Ask-me supports content in multiple languages by automatically translating it into English. Users can also upload audio files to receive a transcript containing all the words spoken, along with a word count.

NFT_Model = "stable-diffusion-xl-lightning"
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Given that this was my first touch with workers and AI models, the circumstances were undeniably challenging. In particular, the pressure to complete the task within just 1/5 day it did cost sacrificing sleep

If I had more time, there are a few things I'd like to add or improve:

  1. Enhance the user experience on the frontend, especially in terms of design. Making it more visually appealing can make a big difference.
  2. Implement a voice recording feature for whispers. It could add a personal touch and make interactions more engaging.
  3. Enable a feature to save pictures to the D1 database, associating them with user IP and browser information as identifiers.
  4. Find a solution to deploy Python workers along with their requirements on Cloudflare. This could streamline the deployment process and make scaling easier.

Multiple Models and/or Triple Task Types

NFT_Model = "stable-diffusion-xl-lightning"
Chat_Model = "llama-2-7b-chat-fp16"
Improve_NFT_Command_Model = "hermes-2-pro-mistral-7b"
Quote_Model = "mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2"
Translate_Model = "m2m100-1.2b"
Audio_Model = "whisper"
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