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Join us for the Cloudflare AI Challenge: $3,000 in Prizes!

We are so excited to be partnering with Cloudflare for the second DEV Challenge — with cash prizes and the opportunity to build and certify your AI skills. It is an opportunity to build on top of one of the Internet’s most important and innovative platforms. Thank you to Cloudflare for providing this opportunity for our community to learn and build. 💗

Running through April 14, the Cloudflare AI Challenge will be an opportunity for you to dip your toes (or really, an entire foot and maybe a leg) into AI. There is one prompt for this challenge, but a couple ways to win.

The Prompt

For this challenge, you will be deploying a serverless AI app on Cloudflare workers. Your mandate is to build a Workers AI application that makes use of AI task types from Cloudflare’s growing catalog of Open Models.

Cloudflare’s development platform offers a plethora of Open Models and the ability to accomplish many tasks related to text, images, and audio. Here is just a small taste of what you can do:

  • Text Generation (10+ Open Models to choose from!)
  • Object Detection
  • Speech Recognition
  • Translation
  • And More!

Judging Criteria

All submissions will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Demonstration of underlying technology

Additional Prize Categories

In addition to being able to win the overall prompt, there are two more prize categories you can work towards:

  • Multiple Models: Awarded to a submission that leverages many models per task.
  • Triple Task Types: Awarded to a submission that utilizes three or more task types.

Clearly there is a theme with these additional prize categories: the more, the merrier!


Our three winners will receive the following prizes:

Overall Prompt Winner (1)

  • $1,500 USD Gift Card or Equivalent
  • Exclusive DEV Badge
  • A gift from the DEV Shop

Additional Prize Category Winners (2)

  • $750 USD Gift Card or Equivalent
  • Exclusive DEV Badge
  • A gift from the DEV Shop

All Participants with a valid submission will receive a completion badge on their DEV profile.

How To Participate

In order to participate, you will need to publish a post using the submission template provided below. As part of your submission, you will need to provide a deployed solution on Cloudflare Workers or Cloudflare Pages, and include a link to a public code repository with a working README file that has installation instructions.

Cloudflare offers a free trial with no credit card necessary that will get you up and running in no time.

Here is the submission template for anyone that wants to jump right in:

Cloudflare Challenge Submission Template

Please review our full rules, guidelines, and FAQ page before submitting so you understand our participation guidelines and official contests rules such eligibility requirements.

Need Technical Help?

We encourage everyone who's curious about the challenge to join the Cloudflare Developer Community Discord and hop into their #devto-ai-challenge channel. This will be the place to ask for technical help and meet community members building with Cloudflare.

Important Dates

  • April 3: Cloudflare Challenge begins!
  • April 14: Submissions due at 11:59 PM PDT
  • April 16: Winners Announced
  • April 17: Stay tuned for next DEV challenge

We can’t wait to see what you build! Questions about the challenge? Ask them below.

Good luck and happy coding!

Top comments (78)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Excited to see what folks build! The frontend challenge was pretty epic, and while I'm excited for the next runback of that one, this one could be really interesting.

Reminder to follow the tags if you want to keep up with this challenge and challenges in general.


This is the official tag for submissions and announcements related to the Cloudflare AI Challenge.


This is the official tag for submissions and announcements related to DEV Challenges.
alienretro profile image

Wait but how do i join??

erikgiovani profile image
Erik Giovani

@alienretro You can find all the info here

philiphow profile image
Philip How

If anyone wants an idea (that I won't have time to implement), then I thought about building a tongue twister game that scores on the quickest time to say the tongue twister and validates submissions using Whisper. You could probably generate new phrases using one of the LLM models too.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Love this idea!

craigsdennis profile image
Craig Dennis

Love this idea!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woohoo! Let's get rolling with another challenge. I'm excited to see what kinds of apps y'all cook up!

Side note: I'm really loving all the orange in this cover image. 🧡

caitlin_caitlin_b441983 profile image
Comment deleted
ranjancse profile image
Ranjan Dailata

@iamspathan @nikoldimit It's a great opportunity. Time for everyone to build the Serverless AI worker apps.

iamspathan profile image
Sohail Pathan

Thanks @ranjancse .

craigsdennis profile image
Craig Dennis

So excited to see what y'all build!

Whateverify repo:

programordie profile image

My illustrated image to fairytale generator is done! Here is the link:

Image description

fahminlb33 profile image
Fahmi Noor Fiqri

I'm really excited to join this hackathon! I've been wanting to try CloudFlare AI for quite a while now and this hackathon is just the right push for me to start building.

One question, I'm planning to use Vectorize but it's not available for CloudFlare Free plan. Is there a plan to make Vectorize available for Free plan or do I have to try the Pro plan?

floscode profile image

Great challenge I already have an idea to have some fun with the Cloudflare workers and ai models I hope it can be realized in time for the deadline :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Get started!

ahanash46390872 profile image
Ahana Sharma

I'm thrilled to participate in the Cloudflare AI Challenge and look forward to showcasing my skills. Thank you for this incredible opportunity!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Awesome Ahana, can't wait to see your submission.

devarshishimpi profile image
Devarshi Shimpi

Excited for the challenge!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Do you have any ideas yet?

devarshishimpi profile image
Devarshi Shimpi

Yes, I have some planned in my notes..
Planning to build on one probably! This challenge will help out!

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern


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