DEV Community

Devajea Stephen
Devajea Stephen

Posted on

Something that I been working on.

It's not done, yet. This is my first project that I have ever worked on.

ignore = ' '

while True:


    print("1. Walk in the park")
    print("2. Yeah, its big brain time.")

    Difficulty = input("Choose your difficulty level: ")

    Player = input("What's your name? ")
    F1 = input("What's your friend's name: ")
    print("1. Male")
    print("2. Female")
    GF1 = input("What's your friend's gender 1/2: ")
    if GF1 == '1':
        GF3 = 'Male'
    if GF1 == '2':
        GF3 = 'Female'


    print("Profile: ")
    print("                                    ", ignore)
    print("Your name is:", Player)
    print("Your friend's name is:", F1)
    print("Your friend's gender is:", GF3)
    if Difficulty == '1':
        print("Difficulty Level: Walk in the park")
    if Difficulty == '2':
        print("Difficulty Level: Yeah, it's big brain time.")

    Con = input("Do you wish to continue? Y/N: ")

    if Con == 'Y':

if Difficulty == 1:
        Energy = 8545858585835438534853954853454574895745739578578749575979587

if Difficulty == 2:
    Energy = 100

if GF1 == '1':
    GF2 = 'he'
if GF1 == '2':
    GF2 = 'she'

if Difficulty == '1':
    print("Yesterday was a very good <blank>")
    print('Yesterday was a very good {0}'.format(input('blank: ')))

    print("But today was <blank>")
    print("But today was {0}".format(input('blank: ')))

    print("Every time I <blank 1> ,",F1 ," does <blank 2>")
    EV1 = input('Everytime I: ')
    EV2 = input("does: ")
    print("Every time I, ", EV1, F1, " does ", EV2)

    print("That's what usually happens.")

    print('But this time something strange happened. Somethings of.')

    print("Every time I ", EV1, F1, " doesn't do", EV2)

    print(F1, "Doesn't even show up anymore.")

    print("Where could have", GF2, "have gone to?")

    print(F1, "is probably at the <blank>")


    print("Hello! This is the GOD OF DECISIONS! Choose where you want to go. be careful! Every decision you make will make you even more tired unless you choose to go to sleep. Right now you don't need to go to sleep.")
    print("If you get too tired you lose the game! And have to restart!")
    print("But don't worry you have infinite energy... as you use are on easy mode...")


    print(F1, "is probably at the <blank>.")

    print("1. Store")
    print("2. Forest")
    print("3. School")

    CD = input("Choose from 1/2/3: ")

    if CD == '1':
        print(F1, "is probably at the Store.")
        print("I wonder why ", GF2, " would be at the store though, we already have enough food.")
        print("You realize that the door is locked, weird.")


        print("Objective: Find the Key.")

        while True:


            print("Rooms that are avaliable:")
            print("1. Kitchen")
            print("2. ", F1, "'s Bedroom")
            print("3. Your bedroom")


            CD2 = input("Which room to go in 1/2/3: ")
            if CD2 == '1':
                print("I guess I should check the Kitchen")
                print("-You are now in the Kitchen-")
                print("1. Cabinet")
                print("2. Oven")
                print("3. Basement")
                print("4. Go back")

                K1 = input("Where to look? ")

                if K1 == '3':
                    print("Basement door is locked")

                    if Key_2 == 'Y':
                        Key_2_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_2_basement == 'Y':
                            print("-You opened the basement door!-")
                            basement_door = 'Y'

                    elif Key_1 == 'Y':
                        Key_1_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_1_basement == 'Y':
                            print("Key doesn't fit")

                        if basement_door == 'Y':
                            if Flashlight == 'N':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")

                            if Flashlight == 'Y':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")
                                if Search1 == 'Y':
                                    print("You found a key.")
                                    Key3 = input("Pick up Key? ")
                                    if Key3 == 'Y':
                                        print("I think I can use this on the Front door.")


                if K1 == '1':
                    print("-You check the cabinet-")
                    print("You see pots, and pans.")

                if K1 == '2':
                    print("-You check the oven-")
                    Key_1 = input("You found a key? Take it? Y/N: ")

            if CD2 == '2':
                print("-You try to open", F1, "'s Bedroom Door")
                if Key_1 == 'Y':
                    Key_1_Bedroom = input("Try to use the key? Y/N ")
                    if Key_1_Bedroom == 'Y':
                        print("-It fits-")
                        Open_bedroom = 'Y'

                        if Open_bedroom == 'Y':
                            Search = input("Search? Y/N: ")
                            if Search == 'Y':
                                print("You search through", F1, "'s Bedroom.")

                                print("You found a key in one of the cabinets")
                                Key_2 = input("Take the Key? Y/N: ")
                                if Key_2 == 'Y':
                                    Key_1 == 'N'

            if CD2 == '3':
                print("You enter your room.")
                Search3 = input("Search Your room? Y/N: ")
                if Search3 == 'Y':
                    print("You searched your own room.")
                    Flashlight = input("You found a flashlight, take it?: Y/N: ")

        print("-Objective: Find the Key. COMPLETED-")
    if CD == '2':
        print(F1, "is probably in the Forest.")
        print("I wonder why ", GF2, " would be in the Forest though, we already have enough wood.")
        print("You realize that the door is locked, weird.")


        print("Objective: Find the Key.")

        while True:


            print("Rooms that are avaliable:")
            print("1. Kitchen")
            print("2. ", F1, "'s Bedroom")
            print("3. Your bedroom")


            CD2 = input("Which room to go in 1/2/3: ")
            if CD2 == '1':
                print("I guess I should check the Kitchen")
                print("-You are now in the Kitchen-")
                print("1. Cabinet")
                print("2. Oven")
                print("3. Basement")
                print("4. Go back")

                K1 = input("Where to look?")

                if K1 == '3':
                    print("Basement door is locked")

                    if Key_2 == 'Y':
                        Key_2_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_2_basement == 'Y':
                            print("-You opened the basement door!-")
                            basement_door = 'Y'

                    elif Key_1 == 'Y':
                        Key_1_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_1_basement == 'Y':
                            print("Key doesn't fit")

                        if basement_door == 'Y':
                            if Flashlight == 'N':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")

                            if Flashlight == 'Y':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")
                                if Search1 == 'Y':
                                    print("You found a key.")
                                    Key3 = input("Pick up Key? ")
                                    if Key3 == 'Y':
                                        print("I think I can use this on the Front door.")


                if K1 == '1':
                    print("-You check the cabinet-")
                    print("You see pots, and pans.")

                if K1 == '2':
                    print("-You check the oven-")
                    Key_1 = input("You found a key? Take it? Y/N: ")

            if CD2 == '2':
                print("-You try to open", F1, "'s Bedroom Door")
                if Key_1 == 'Y':
                    Key_1_Bedroom = input("Try to use the key? Y/N")
                    if Key_1_Bedroom == 'Y':
                        print("-It fits-")
                        Open_bedroom = 'Y'

                        if Open_bedroom == 'Y':
                            Search = input("Search? Y/N: ")
                            if Search == 'Y':
                                print("You search through", F1, "'s Bedroom.")

                                print("You found a key in one of the cabinets")
                                Key_2 = input("Take the Key? Y/N: ")
                                if Key_2 == 'Y':
                                    Key_1 == 'N'

            if CD2 == '3':
                print("You enter your room.")
                Search3 = input("Search Your room? Y/N: ")
                if Search3 == 'Y':
                    print("You searched your own room.")
                    Flashlight = input("You found a flashlight, take it?: Y/N: ")
        print("-Objective: Find the Key. COMPLETED-")            
        print("test Succesful")            
    if CD == '3':
        print(F1, "is probably at the School.")
        print("I wonder why ", GF2, " would be at the school though,")
        print("You realize that the door is locked, weird.")


        print("Objective: Find the Key.")

        while True:


            print("Rooms that are avaliable:")
            print("1. Kitchen")
            print("2. ", F1, "'s Bedroom")
            print("3. Your bedroom")


            CD2 = input("Which room to go in 1/2/3: ")
            if CD2 == '1':
                print("I guess I should check the Kitchen")
                print("-You are now in the Kitchen-")
                print("1. Cabinet")
                print("2. Oven")
                print("3. Basement")
                print("4. Go back")

                K1 = input("Where to look?")

                if K1 == '3':
                    print("Basement door is locked")

                    if Key_2 == 'Y':
                        Key_2_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_2_basement == 'Y':
                            print("-You opened the basement door!-")
                            basement_door = 'Y'

                    elif Key_1 == 'Y':
                        Key_1_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_1_basement == 'Y':
                            print("Key doesn't fit")

                        if basement_door == 'Y':
                            if Flashlight == 'N':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")

                            if Flashlight == 'Y':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")
                                if Search1 == 'Y':
                                    print("You found a key.")
                                    Key3 = input("Pick up Key? ")
                                    if Key3 == 'Y':
                                        print("I think I can use this on the Front door.")


                if K1 == '1':
                    print("-You check the cabinet-")
                    print("You see pots, and pans.")

                if K1 == '2':
                    print("-You check the oven-")
                    Key_1 = input("You found a key? Take it? Y/N: ")

            if CD2 == '2':
                print("-You try to open", F1, "'s Bedroom Door")
                if Key_1 == 'Y':
                    Key_1_Bedroom = input("Try to use the key? Y/N")
                    if Key_1_Bedroom == 'Y':
                        print("-It fits-")
                        Open_bedroom = 'Y'

                        if Open_bedroom == 'Y':
                            Search = input("Search? Y/N: ")
                            if Search == 'Y':
                                print("You search through", F1, "'s Bedroom.")

                                print("You found a key in one of the cabinets")
                                Key_2 = input("Take the Key? Y/N: ")
                                if Key_2 == 'Y':
                                    Key_1 == 'N'

            if CD2 == '3':
                print("You enter your room.")
                Search3 = input("Search Your room? Y/N: ")
                if Search3 == 'Y':
                    print("You searched your own room.")
                    Flashlight = input("You found a flashlight, take it?: Y/N: ")

        print("-Objective: Find the Key. COMPLETED-")
    print( 'End of Alpha Release' )

    print( 'Work in progress' )

    print( 'By Devajea Stephen' )

if Difficulty == '2':
    print("Yesterday was a very good <blank>")
    print('Yesterday was a very good {0}'.format(input('blank: ')))

    print("But today was <blank>")
    print("But today was {0}".format(input('blank: ')))

    print("Every time I <blank 1> ,",F1 ," does <blank 2>")
    EV1 = input('Everytime I: ')
    EV2 = input("does: ")
    print("Every time I, ", EV1, F1, " does ", EV2)

    print("That's what usually happens.")

    print('But this time something strange happened. Somethings of.')

    print("Every time I ", EV1, F1, " doesn't do", EV2)

    print(F1, "Doesn't even show up anymore.")


    print("Where could have", GF2, "have gone to?")

    print(F1, "is probably at the <blank>")


    print("Hello! This is the GOD OF DECISIONS! Choose where you want to go. be careful! Every decision you make will make you even more tired unless you choose to go to sleep. Right now you don't need to go to sleep.")
    print("If you get too tired you lose the game! And have to restart!")
    print("But no need to worry, as you can't die since energy is not in the game yet.")


    print(F1, "is probably at the <blank>.")

    print("1. Store")
    print("2. Forest")
    print("3. School")

    CD = input("Choose from 1/2/3: ")

    if CD == '1':
        print(F1, "is probably in at the store.")
        print("I wonder why ", GF2, " would be in the Forest though, we already have enough food.")
        print("You realize that the door is locked, weird.")


        print("Objective: Find the Key.")

        while True:


            print("Rooms that are avaliable:")
            print("1. Kitchen")
            print("2. ", F1, "'s Bedroom")
            print("3. Your bedroom")


            CD2 = input("Which room to go in 1/2/3: ")
            if CD2 == '1':
                print("I guess I should check the Kitchen")
                print("-You are now in the Kitchen-")
                print("1. Cabinet")
                print("2. Oven")
                print("3. Basement")
                print("4. Go back")

                K1 = input("Where to look?")

                if K1 == '3':
                    print("Basement door is locked")

                    if Key_2 == 'Y':
                        Key_2_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_2_basement == 'Y':
                            print("-You opened the basement door!-")
                            basement_door = 'Y'

                    elif Key_1 == 'Y':
                        Key_1_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_1_basement == 'Y':
                            print("Key doesn't fit")

                        if basement_door == 'Y':
                            if Flashlight == 'N':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")

                            if Flashlight == 'Y':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")
                                if Search1 == 'Y':
                                    print("You found a key.")
                                    Key3 = input("Pick up Key? ")
                                    if Key3 == 'Y':
                                        print("I think I can use this on the Front door.")


                if K1 == '1':
                    print("-You check the cabinet-")
                    print("You see pots, and pans.")

                if K1 == '2':
                    print("-You check the oven-")
                    Key_1 = input("You found a key? Take it? Y/N: ")

            if CD2 == '2':
                print("-You try to open", F1, "'s Bedroom Door")
                if Key_1 == 'Y':
                    Key_1_Bedroom = input("Try to use the key? Y/N")
                    if Key_1_Bedroom == 'Y':
                        print("-It fits-")
                        Open_bedroom = 'Y'

                        if Open_bedroom == 'Y':
                            Search = input("Search? Y/N: ")
                            if Search == 'Y':
                                print("You search through", F1, "'s Bedroom.")

                                i = i - 5

                                print("You found a key in one of the cabinets")
                                Key_2 = input("Take the Key? Y/N: ")
                                if Key_2 == 'Y':
                                    Key_1 == 'N'

            if CD2 == '3':
                Jacket = 'N'
                Gun = 'N'
                print("You enter your room.")
                Search3 = input("Search Your room? Y/N: ")
                if Search3 == 'Y':
                    print("You searched your own room.")
                    Flashlight = input("You found a flashlight, take it?: Y/N: ")
                Sleep = input("Do you wish to sleep? Y/N: ")
                if Sleep == 'Y':
                    if i < '50':
                        i = '100'
                    elif i > '50':
                        print("I am not tired yet.")
                if Jacket == 'N':
                    Jacket = input("You found a jacket, take it? Y/N: ")
                    if Jacket == 'Y':
                        print("You put on the jacket...")
                        print("You feel warmer...")
                if Gun == 'N':
                    Gun = input("You found a gun. Want to take it? Y/N: ")
        print("-Objective: Find the Key. COMPLETED-")    

        print("-You start walking out the door towards the store, your realise that it is dark outside-")
        print("-Thankfully you found a flashlight-")
        if Jacket == 'N':
            print("Ugh oh... You forgot to bring a jacket. You are dying from the cold.")
            print("GAME OVER: Cause of Death... Hypothermia.")
        if Jacket == 'Y':
            print("That was a good call with taking that jacket, since it is very cold outside.")
            RDCD1 = input("Turn right or left? R/L: ")
            if RDCD1 == 'R':
                print("You chose to go to the right.")
                print("You see some eyes in the dark")
                RDPD1 = input("Head towards? Y/N:")
                if RDPD1 == 'Y':
                    print("You start to make out the shape of the figures.")
                    print("Definetly not human shaped")
    if CD == '2':
        print(F1, "is probably in the Forest.")
        print("I wonder why ", GF2, " would be in the Forest though, we already have enough wood.")
        print("You realize that the door is locked, weird.")


        print("Objective: Find the Key.")

        while True:


            print("Rooms that are avaliable:")
            print("1. Kitchen")
            print("2. ", F1, "'s Bedroom")
            print("3. Your bedroom")


            CD2 = input("Which room to go in 1/2/3: ")
            if CD2 == '1':
                print("I guess I should check the Kitchen")
                print("-You are now in the Kitchen-")
                print("1. Cabinet")
                print("2. Oven")
                print("3. Basement")
                print("4. Go back")

                K1 = input("Where to look?")

                if K1 == '3':
                    print("Basement door is locked")

                    if Key_2 == 'Y':
                        Key_2_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_2_basement == 'Y':
                            print("-You opened the basement door!-")
                            basement_door = 'Y'

                    elif Key_1 == 'Y':
                        Key_1_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_1_basement == 'Y':
                            print("Key doesn't fit")

                        if basement_door == 'Y':
                            if Flashlight == 'N':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")

                            if Flashlight == 'Y':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")
                                if Search1 == 'Y':
                                    print("You found a key.")
                                    Key3 = input("Pick up Key? ")
                                    if Key3 == 'Y':
                                        print("I think I can use this on the Front door.")


                if K1 == '1':
                    print("-You check the cabinet-")
                    print("You see pots, and pans.")

                if K1 == '2':
                    print("-You check the oven-")
                    Key_1 = input("You found a key? Take it? Y/N: ")

            if CD2 == '2':
                print("-You try to open", F1, "'s Bedroom Door")
                if Key_1 == 'Y':
                    Key_1_Bedroom = input("Try to use the key? Y/N")
                    if Key_1_Bedroom == 'Y':
                        print("-It fits-")
                        Open_bedroom = 'Y'

                        if Open_bedroom == 'Y':
                            Search = input("Search? Y/N: ")
                            if Search == 'Y':
                                print("You search through", F1, "'s Bedroom.")

                                i = i - 5

                                print("You found a key in one of the cabinets")
                                Key_2 = input("Take the Key? Y/N: ")
                                if Key_2 == 'Y':
                                    Key_1 == 'N'

            if CD2 == '3':
                print("You enter your room.")
                Search3 = input("Search Your room? Y/N: ")
                if Search3 == 'Y':
                    print("You searched your own room.")
                    Flashlight = input("You found a flashlight, take it?: Y/N: ")
                Sleep = input("Do you wish to sleep? Y/N: ")
                if Sleep == 'Y':
                    if i < '50':
                        i = '100'
                    elif i > '50':
                        print("I am not tired yet.")
        print("-Objective: Find the Key. COMPLETED-")            
        print("test Succesful")            
    if CD == '3':
        print(F1, "is probably at the school.")
        print("I wonder why ", GF2, " would be in the School.")
        print("You realize that the door is locked, weird.")


        print("Objective: Find the Key.")

        while True:


            print("Rooms that are avaliable:")
            print("1. Kitchen")
            print("2. ", F1, "'s Bedroom")
            print("3. Your bedroom")


            CD2 = input("Which room to go in 1/2/3: ")
            if CD2 == '1':
                print("I guess I should check the Kitchen")
                print("-You are now in the Kitchen-")
                print("1. Cabinet")
                print("2. Oven")
                print("3. Basement")
                print("4. Go back")

                K1 = input("Where to look?")

                if K1 == '3':
                    print("Basement door is locked")

                    if Key_2 == 'Y':
                        Key_2_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_2_basement == 'Y':
                            print("-You opened the basement door!-")
                            basement_door = 'Y'

                    elif Key_1 == 'Y':
                        Key_1_basement = input("Use Key? Y/N: ")
                        if Key_1_basement == 'Y':
                            print("Key doesn't fit")

                        if basement_door == 'Y':
                            if Flashlight == 'N':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")

                            if Flashlight == 'Y':
                                Search1 = input("Search the basement? Y/N: ")
                                if Search1 == 'Y':
                                    print("You found a key.")
                                    Key3 = input("Pick up Key? ")
                                    if Key3 == 'Y':
                                        print("I think I can use this on the Front door.")


                if K1 == '1':
                    print("-You check the cabinet-")
                    print("You see pots, and pans.")

                if K1 == '2':
                    print("-You check the oven-")
                    Key_1 = input("You found a key? Take it? Y/N: ")

            if CD2 == '2':
                print("-You try to open", F1, "'s Bedroom Door")
                if Key_1 == 'Y':
                    Key_1_Bedroom = input("Try to use the key? Y/N")
                    if Key_1_Bedroom == 'Y':
                        print("-It fits-")
                        Open_bedroom = 'Y'

                        if Open_bedroom == 'Y':
                            Search = input("Search? Y/N: ")
                            if Search == 'Y':
                                print("You search through", F1, "'s Bedroom.")

                                i = i - 5

                                print("You found a key in one of the cabinets")
                                Key_2 = input("Take the Key? Y/N: ")
                                if Key_2 == 'Y':
                                    Key_1 == 'N'

            if CD2 == '3':
                print("You enter your room.")
                Search3 = input("Search Your room? Y/N: ")
                if Search3 == 'Y':
                    print("You searched your own room.")
                    Flashlight = input("You found a flashlight, take it?: Y/N: ")
                Sleep = input("Do you wish to sleep? Y/N: ")
                if Sleep == 'Y':
                    if i < '50':
                        i = '100'
                    elif i > '50':
                        print("I am not tired yet.")
        print("-Objective: Find the Key. COMPLETED-")            
        print("test Succesful")            
        print("-Objective: Find the Key. COMPLETED-")
    print( 'End of Alpha Release' )

    print( 'Work in progress' )

    print( 'By Devajea Stephen' )

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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Devajea Stephen

Thank you!