DEV Community

Ivan V.
Ivan V.

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Dependency injection without the decorators

I'm a big fan of dependency injection since I'm working with the front-end a lot, I needed a dependency injection library that is not based on decorators and has a small file size. I couldn't find anything, so I've created one myself.

It's called Pumpa it's around 2KB and this is how it works.

class A {
  static inject=[B]
  constructor(public b:B){}
class B {}

const container = new Pumpa()


const instanceA = container.resolve<A>(A)
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You can also register function factories

class B{}

function myFactory(b: B) {
  return function resolvedFunction() {
    // do something with b

myFactory.inject = [B]

container.bindFactory(myFactory, myFactory)

const fn = container.resolve(myFactory)
fn === resolvedFunction
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There is also another way to register values with the container. It is particularly useful when you don't have access to the values you want to register (third-party libraries).

class A {
  //note: there is no static inject property on the class
  constructor(public b:B){}
class B {}

const container = new Pumpa()

//alternative way of registering

const instanceA = container.resolve<A>(A)
instanceA.b === B
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It also supports injecting an array of dependencies.

class A {
  static inject = [getArray([A, B, C])]
  constructor(deps: [A, B, C]) {}
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And that's the gist of it.

It is written in Typescript, it is modeled similarly to the Microsoft tsyringe (which I was using previously).

I've spent a lot of time on the documentation, so head over to the Github repository to see what else the library can do.

I'm open to new ideas and pull requests.

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