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TypeScript: Everything you need to know!

Welcome, friends!

If you've ever worked with JavaScript or encountered it during technical interviews, you may have heard of TypeScript. In this blog post, we'll explore what TypeScript is, its advantages, and how you can leverage its features to write better and more reliable code. Let's get started!

Understanding TypeScript

At its core, TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript that introduces static typing. It was developed by Microsoft to address scalability issues often encountered in large JavaScript codebases. By adding types to JavaScript, TypeScript enables developers to catch errors and ensure type correctness during development, leading to more robust and maintainable code.

Why Choose TypeScript?

  • Enhanced Productivity:

TypeScript provides tooling support and excellent editor integration, making it a joy to work with.

  • Type Safety

Static typing allows you to catch type-related errors at compile time, before executing your code.

Exploring TypeScript Features

  • Type Annotations

In TypeScript, you can explicitly declare variable types using type annotations. This helps TypeScript infer the expected type and provides early feedback in case of type mismatches.

let myName: string = 'Ivan';
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In the example above, we declare the variable myName as a string. If we attempt to assign a different data type to this variable, TypeScript will raise an error, highlighting the issue right in your editor.

  • Functions and Type Definitions

TypeScript allows you to define types for functions, making your code more self-documenting and ensuring type safety.

type CreatePerson = (name: string) => void;

function createPerson(fn: CreatePerson) {

createPerson((name: string) => {   
    console.log(`The following person has been created: ${name}`);
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In the code snippet above, we define a type CreatePerson for a function that takes a string argument and returns void. This enhances code readability and enforces type correctness when calling the createPerson function.

  • Advanced Type Features

TypeScript offers a wide range of advanced type features, such as union types, intersection types, and mapped types. These features empower developers to create expressive and flexible types tailored to their specific needs.

For example, you can create an intersection type to combine multiple types:

type Name = { name: string };
type Age = { age: number };  
type Person = Name & Age;  

const person: Person = {   name: 'Ivan',   age: 25, };
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In this case, the Person type is created by combining the Name and Age types using the & operator. This allows you to create rich and complex type definitions that accurately represent your data structures.

Recommended Extensions

To enhance your TypeScript development experience, here are a couple of recommended VSCode extensions:

  • Error Lens: Provides inline error messages and visual enhancements for quick error detection.
  • TypeScript Prettier Errors: Improves the display of TypeScript errors, making them more readable and informative.


Congratulations! You've taken your first steps into the world of TypeScript. We've covered the basics, including what TypeScript is and its benefits. Remember, TypeScript is a powerful tool that brings static typing to JavaScript, enhancing productivity, code quality, and maintainability.

Note: Do not forget to take a look at the TypeScript docs TypeScript.

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