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Izabella Albuquerque
Izabella Albuquerque

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How to Start Programming in Python: A Beginner's Guide

Have you heard a lot about Python and want to start programming but don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry; I went through the same thing! Python is a versatile language that's easy to learn and widely used, making it ideal for both beginners and those with experience in other languages. Here are some initial steps to help you dive into the world of programming in Python!

Why Choose Python?
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Its syntax is simple and intuitive, making it easier for beginners. Additionally, it is used in various fields such as web development, data science, task automation, artificial intelligence, and much more.

Installing Python
Before anything else, you need to install Python on your computer. Just go to the official website, download the latest version, and follow the installation instructions. To make sure everything is working, open your terminal or command prompt and type:

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If the version of Python appears, you’re ready to get started!

First Steps with Python
Now that you’ve installed Python, it’s time to write your first piece of code. Open a simple text editor like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or even Notepad, and type the following code:

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This is the classic "Hello, World!" of programming. To run the code, save the file with a .py extension and execute it in the terminal with the command:

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Congratulations! You just ran your first Python program!

Learn the Basics
Now that you've started, it’s important to learn fundamental concepts such as variables, operators, conditionals (if-else), loops (for, while), and functions. Don’t worry; there are many free resources online to help you.

Practice and Evolve
The best way to learn is by practicing. I enjoy solving challenges on HackerRank and following learning roadmaps like those on These challenges help develop logical thinking and prepare you for larger projects.

Join the Community
Programming doesn’t have to be a solitary journey! There are several communities where you can ask questions, share projects, and learn from others. I recommend participating in Stack Overflow, Discord groups, and forums like (where you’re reading this right now 😄).

Create Projects
One of the best ways to consolidate what you’ve learned is by creating your own projects. It can be something simple like a calculator or a basic game, or something more advanced like a web application with Flask or Django.

Starting to program in Python may seem challenging at first, but with practice and patience, you'll improve quickly. Enjoy the process, explore new possibilities, and don't be afraid to make mistakes – that’s how you learn! 🚀

If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments! Let’s grow together on this learning journey.

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Meteo Gonzales

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