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Mugisa Jackson
Mugisa Jackson

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3 apps in django, how do i configure their urls

Please help me to know how i can structure a django project with 3apps,that is products, accounts and orders

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tshepomcode profile image

I put this query to the google Gemini chat. I don't know if it is allowed here. Anyways, it gave the answer below.

Configuring URLs in Django involves defining patterns within each app and including them in the main project's URL configuration. Here's a breakdown of the process for three apps:

1. Define URL patterns in each app:

  • Create a file named inside each of your three apps (if they don't exist already).
  • In each file, import the path function from django.urls and define a list named urlpatterns.
  • Use the path function to map URL paths to views in your app. Here's an example:
from django.urls import path

from . import views  # Import views from the current app

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.home, name='home'),  # Map the root URL to the home view
    path('about/', views.about, name='about'),  # Map the /about/ URL to the about view
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2. Include app URL patterns in the project's

  • In your main project's file (usually located at the project's root directory), import the include function from django.urls.
  • Use the include function to include the URL patterns from each app. Here's how:
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('app1/', include('app1.urls')),  # Include URLs from app1
    path('app2/', include('app2.urls')),  # Include URLs from app2
    path('app3/', include('app3.urls')),  # Include URLs from app3
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Additional considerations:

  • You can provide a namespace to each app's URL patterns for better organization and avoiding conflicts. This is done during the include function call.
  • The order of URL patterns in urlpatterns matters. Django tries patterns from top to bottom and stops at the first match.

By following these steps, you can configure URLs for your three Django apps and create a well-organized structure for handling user requests in your project.

shivamdesale13 profile image

What is difference in REST django while defining

tshepomcode profile image

Hi, again, I put this question to my talkative buddy, Gemini Chatty, and wouldn't you know it, the guy went on and on about it, this is what was said:

Key Differences in URL Definition ( between Django and Django REST Framework (DRF)

When building web applications with Django, files play a crucial role in mapping incoming requests to the corresponding views that handle them. While Django excels at creating full-fledged web experiences with templates and user interactions, DRF extends Django's capabilities to create RESTful APIs that provide data in a structured format (often JSON) for consumption by other applications or front-ends.

Here's a breakdown of the key differences in how you define URLs in for these two approaches:

1. Focus:

  • Django: URLs typically map to Django views that return HTML templates, resulting in complete web pages rendered in the browser.
  • DRF: URLs map to DRF views (function-based or class-based) that handle API requests and return serialized data (e.g., JSON, XML) without any HTML rendering.

2. URL Patterns:

  • Django: You can define more flexible URL patterns using regular expressions, capturing dynamic parts of the URL using named groups. This allows for granular control over matching specific request paths.
  • DRF: It often leverages a more structured approach, especially with viewsets, where URLs follow a convention based on the model being exposed. This promotes consistency and readability in API design. However, DRF also supports custom URL patterns when needed.

3. View Handlers:

  • Django: Views are typically plain Python functions or class-based views that render templates using the Django templating engine. They might interact with models, forms, authentication, and other Django components.
  • DRF: DRF views handle incoming HTTP requests (typically GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on data. They often use serializers to convert data between Python objects and the desired format (e.g., JSON).

4. Additional Considerations:

  • DRF Routers: DRF provides routers that automate URL generation for common API patterns. Routers take care of registering viewsets based on models and creating appropriate URL patterns, streamlining the process.
  • Namespace Separation: In larger projects, you might use namespaces to differentiate between Django views and DRF views in This helps maintain organization and avoid potential naming conflicts.

In essence:

  • Django Deals with mapping URLs to views that render complete web pages.
  • DRF Focuses on mapping URLs to views that handle API requests and return structured data.

Choosing the Right Approach:

The choice between Django and DRF depends on your application's goals:

  • If you're building a traditional web application with user interfaces and server-side rendering, Django is the way to go.
  • If you need a RESTful API to expose data for mobile apps, single-page applications, or other integrations, DRF is a powerful extension for Django that simplifies API development.

I hope this comprehensive explanation clarifies the distinctions between defining URLs in Django and DRF!

But what about some code examples?

Certainly! Here are example code snippets for that illustrate the differences between Django and Django REST Framework (DRF) in defining URLs:

1. Django URL Example (Renders a Template):

from django.urls import path
from . import views  # Assuming your views are in the same directory

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.home, name='home'),  # Maps root URL to the 'home' view
    path('about/', views.about, name='about'),  # Maps '/about/' to the 'about' view
    path('articles/<int:article_id>/', views.article_detail, name='article_detail'),  # Captures ID with named group
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In this Django example:

  • We import the path function from django.urls for defining URL patterns.
  • We import our views ( from the same directory.
  • We define three URL patterns:
    • The root URL (/) maps to the home view, which likely renders an HTML template.
    • The /about/ URL maps to the about view, possibly displaying an "About Us" page.
    • The /articles/<int:article_id>/ URL captures an integer (article_id) dynamically in a named group, allowing for detailed views of specific articles (based on ID). The corresponding view likely retrieves data from a model and renders an article template.

2. DRF URL Example (Exposes API Endpoints):

from django.urls import path, include
from rest_framework import routers
from . import serializers, views  # Assuming your models and views are in the same directory

router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'articles', views.ArticleViewSet, basename='articles')  # Register a viewset

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include(router.urls)),  # Include DRF router URLs
    path('api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')),  # Include DRF login/logout URLs (optional)
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Here's what's happening in the DRF example:

  • We import necessary functions from django.urls (path, include) and rest_framework (routers).
  • We import our serializers ( and views (
  • We create a DefaultRouter instance.
  • We register an ArticleViewSet class with the router at the /articles/ URL prefix, using the basename articles. This creates standard API endpoints (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for managing articles.
  • In the urlpatterns, we include the router's URLs using include(router.urls), which maps the automatically generated API endpoints.
  • Optional: We can include DRF's login/logout URLs at /api-auth/ for authentication purposes (using include('rest_framework.urls')).

Key Differences in Code:

  • Focus: Django maps URLs to views returning HTML templates, while DRF focuses on API endpoints returning structured data.
  • URL Patterns: Django uses more flexible patterns, while DRF leverages viewsets with conventions and dynamic paths (like /articles/<int:pk>, where <int:pk> represents the primary key).
  • Views: Django views handle templating, DRF views handle API requests and serialization.
  • Routers (DRF): Routers automate URL generation based on viewsets, simplifying API design.

This combined explanation with example code should provide a clearer understanding of how Django and DRF handle URL definitions in for different web development scenarios.