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Abssi Franki
Abssi Franki

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Empowering Digital Commerce: Unleashing the Potential of ES6 Classes in JavaScript

1. Introduction to ES6 Classes

ECMAScript 2015, commonly referred to as ES6, brought significant enhancements to the JavaScript programming language. Released as a major update, ES6 introduced new features and syntax improvements, making JavaScript more powerful, expressive, and easier to work with. Some key ES6 features include block-scoped variables (let and const), arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and most importantly, classes.

2. Importance of Classes in Object-Oriented Programming

Classes are a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP), providing a structured way to model real-world entities, their attributes, and behaviors. In the realm of digital product e-commerce, where complexities abound, classes offer several crucial benefits:

  1. Abstraction and Modularity: Classes enable the abstraction of complex entities like digital products (e.g., smartphones, tablets) into manageable units. Each class encapsulates its own data (attributes) and methods (behaviors), promoting modular design and code organization.

  2. Code Reusability: Classes can be instantiated multiple times, allowing you to reuse the same structure and behavior across different instances of digital products. This reusability leads to cleaner and more efficient code.

  3. Inheritance and Hierarchy: ES6 classes support inheritance, allowing you to create specialized classes that inherit properties and methods from a parent class. This is immensely useful when dealing with a range of similar digital products with shared features.

  4. Readability and Maintainability: Classes enhance code readability by providing a clear blueprint for creating objects. This promotes better understanding of the codebase, making maintenance and collaboration smoother.

  5. Encapsulation and Access Control: Classes allow you to control access to data and methods. You can define private and public members, ensuring that certain properties or behaviors are not tampered with directly.

  6. Consistency and Standardization: By adopting classes, you establish a consistent structure and naming convention for creating and interacting with objects. This standardization improves the overall architecture of your digital product e-commerce system.

2. Basics of ES6 Classes

2.1. Syntax for Defining Classes

In ES6, classes provide a cleaner and more organized way to structure your code, especially when dealing with complex digital product e-commerce systems such as smartphones and tablets. The syntax for defining a class is as follows:

class Product {
  constructor(name, price) { = name;
    this.price = price;

  displayInfo() {
    console.log(`Product: ${}, Price: $${this.price}`);
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In this example, the Product class has a constructor to initialize the name and price of a product, and a displayInfo method to showcase product information.

. Constructors and Initialization

ES6 classes allow for the use of constructors to set initial values when creating instances. This is particularly useful when dealing with digital products in e-commerce, where each product has specific attributes:

class DigitalProduct {
  constructor(name, price, downloadLink) { = name;
    this.price = price;
    this.downloadLink = downloadLink;

  initiateDownload() {
    console.log(`Downloading ${} from ${this.downloadLink}`);
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Here, the DigitalProduct class includes a constructor to handle attributes like name, price, and download link, along with a method to initiate the download process.

2.3. Class Methods and Properties

ES6 classes also enable the creation of methods and properties for instances of the class. Let's consider a scenario where we want to calculate the total price of multiple digital products:

class Cart {
  constructor() {
    this.products = [];

  addProduct(product) {

  calculateTotalPrice() {
    const totalPrice = this.products.reduce((total, product) => total + product.price, 0);
    return totalPrice;
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The Cart class maintains an array of products and includes methods to add products and calculate the total price. This organization simplifies managing a collection of digital products in an e-commerce context.

Key Points:

  1. ES6 classes provide a cleaner syntax for defining structured objects, making them ideal for organizing digital product e-commerce systems.

  2. Constructors allow for initialization of instance-specific properties, ensuring accurate representation of digital products.

  3. Class methods and properties enhance code readability and maintainability when dealing with complex operations, such as calculating total prices within a shopping cart.

3. Inheritance and Prototypes

3.1. Extending Classes Using 'extends'

inheritance becomes invaluable when creating specialized classes that share attributes and behaviors. ES6 classes offer a straightforward way to achieve inheritance using the extends keyword. Consider the following example of extending a Product class to create a Smartphone class:

class SmartPhone extends Product {
  constructor(name, price, screenSize, brand) {
    super(name, price);
    this.screenSize = screenSize;
    this.brand = brand;

  displaySmartphoneInfo() {
    console.log(`Smartphone: ${}, Brand: ${this.brand}, Screen: ${this.screenSize}"`);
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By extending the Product class, the SmartPhone class inherits the properties and methods of its parent while adding its own attributes and behavior.

3.2. Super Keyword for Accessing Parent Class

The super keyword is crucial for accessing and invoking methods from the parent class within the child class. This is particularly useful when overriding methods. In our digital product e-commerce context, let's override the displayInfo method from the Product class in the SmartPhone class:

class SmartPhone extends Product {
  constructor(name, price, screenSize, brand) {
    super(name, price);
    this.screenSize = screenSize;
    this.brand = brand;

  displayInfo() {
    console.log(`Brand: ${this.brand}, Screen: ${this.screenSize}"`);
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In this example, the displayInfo method of the SmartPhone class uses super.displayInfo() to invoke the parent class method and then adds smartphone-specific details.

3.3. Underlying Prototype-Based Inheritance

ES6 classes may seem like traditional class-based inheritance, but under the hood, JavaScript still relies on prototype-based inheritance. When an object is created from a class, it inherits methods and properties from its prototype. This mechanism is crucial to comprehend, especially when designing intricate digital product e-commerce systems that involve multiple levels of inheritance.

Key Points:

  1. Utilizing the extends keyword enables the creation of specialized classes that inherit attributes and behaviors from a parent class, making it easier to model digital products like smartphones within an e-commerce context.

  2. The super keyword grants access to parent class methods and properties, facilitating method overriding and extension of functionality, as seen in the example of enhancing the displayInfo method in the SmartPhone class.

  3. Despite the appearance of class-based inheritance, JavaScript's prototype-based inheritance remains foundational, making it essential to understand the underlying mechanisms when designing complex digital product e-commerce architectures.

4. Getters, Setters, and Access Control

4.1. Defining Getters and Setters

In the context of digital product e-commerce, getters and setters provide a powerful way to control how properties are accessed and modified within a class. Getters retrieve the value of a property, while setters allow controlled modification. Let's explore this concept using an example of a Tablet class:

class Tablet {
  constructor(name, price, storage) { = name;
    this._price = price; // Private property convention = storage;

  get price() {
    return `${}'s Price: $${this._price}`;

  set price(newPrice) {
    if (newPrice > 0) {
      this._price = newPrice;
    } else {
      console.log("Price must be a positive value.");
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In this example, the price property is accessed using a getter that provides additional formatting, and a setter that validates and controls the price modification.

4.2. Controlling Access to Class Properties

JavaScript's encapsulation is limited compared to traditional class-based languages, but you can achieve a degree of access control using naming conventions. Prefixing a property with an underscore (_) indicates that it should be considered private, discouraging direct access. However, this is a convention rather than a strict rule. Developers can still access private properties, so proper documentation is crucial.

const tablet = new Tablet("MyTablet", 499, "128GB");
console.log(tablet.price);   // Uses the getter
tablet.price = 599;          // Uses the setter
console.log(tablet.price);   // Uses the getter again

console.log(tablet._price);  // Accessing private property (convention)
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Key Points:

  1. Getters and setters offer controlled access to class properties, aiding in enforcing validation and formatting rules for properties like prices in digital product e-commerce systems.

  2. To control access further, you can adopt a naming convention, using an underscore to indicate that a property is private. However, remember that this is not a strict access control mechanism in JavaScript.

  3. Careful implementation of getters and setters enhances code readability, maintainability, and data integrity in digital product e-commerce applications.

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Full tutorial:
Deep Dive into Simplified Object-Oriented Programming using ES6 Classes in JavaScript for Beginners

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