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Abssi Franki
Abssi Franki

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How to manipulate CSS classes with JavaScript ?


JavaScript is a powerful language that empowers web developers to create dynamic and interactive features for websites. One of the key elements of building engaging web applications is manipulating CSS classes with JavaScript. Through the addition, removal, or toggling of CSS classes, developers can elevate the visual appearance and behavior of web elements, resulting in a more personalized and interactive user experience.

This tutorial serves as a comprehensive guide to mastering CSS class manipulation with JavaScript, with a particular focus on adding style to web applications. We will delve into various methods for selecting HTML elements, dynamically adding and removing CSS classes, modifying CSS properties, toggling classes, and handling events. Additionally, we will explore the world of CSS animations and transitions and how JavaScript can provide control over these captivating visual effects.

2. Understanding CSS Classes

2.1 Explanation of CSS Classes and Their Role in Styling

CSS classes serve as essential tools for grouping HTML elements and applying specific styles to them. Acting as selectors, CSS classes target elements to be styled according to predetermined rules. Assigning a class to an element allows developers to define its appearance and behavior consistently, saving time and effort that would otherwise be spent styling each element individually.

Consider the example of a sports website where various teams' scores need highlighting. The moment we create a CSS class called "score-highlight" and applying it to all the score elements, we can efficiently style these elements uniformly. Modifying the "score-highlight" class in CSS would automatically propagate the changes across all score elements, ensuring a cohesive design.

Example 1:

<p class="score-highlight">Team A: 5</p>
<p class="score-highlight">Team B: 3</p>
<p class="score-highlight">Team C: 2</p>

2.2 Benefits of Using CSS Classes for Styling

2.2.1 Reusability and Consistency

CSS classes promote code reusability by allowing developers to apply consistent styles to multiple elements throughout a website. Defining styles within a class facilitates easy reuse across different elements, establishing a harmonious visual identity.

Example 2:

<div class="team-logo"></div>
<div class="team-logo"></div>
<div class="team-logo"></div>

2.2.2 Efficient Updates

CSS classes centralize style updates. When developers modify the styles within a class, all elements associated with that class automatically adopt the changes.

Example 3:

<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#">Sign Up</a>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#">Log In</a>

2.2.3 Selective Targeting

CSS classes enable developers to selectively target specific elements for styling, leaving the rest of the page's content unaffected.

Example 4:

<p class="highlight">This paragraph stands out.</p>
<p>This paragraph is regular.</p>

Key points:

  • CSS classes group HTML elements for styling purposes.
  • They promote reusability and consistency in styling across multiple elements.
  • CSS classes allow for efficient updates by centralizing style modifications.
  • Selective targeting of elements is facilitated through the use of CSS classes.

Section 3:

Selecting Elements with JavaScript

*Note: The remaining part of this tutorial is available exclusively on
Manipulating CSS Classes with JavaScript: Adding Style to Web Applications
Visit the full guide to explore advanced techniques and gain comprehensive insights into manipulating CSS classes with JavaScript for enhanced web design.

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