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Showing more Article info on

Image description is a very good extension that helps us aggregate news from several sources.

When browsing news, I usually scan the Title -> Thumbnail -> Description. However, the current view of has only Title and Thumbnail in Grid view and only Title in Listing view. This requires me to click on an article to read more in a popup, which consumes more reading time.

Fortunately, is open source, so we can submit feature requests or even customize the design to suit our needs.

In this case, I have submitted a feature request on the dailydev/apps repository and also implemented a new design that can serve my needs. You can review my pull request here: pull/2060.

They have mentioned that they need to pass this request to the Design team before reviewing my merge request or implementing a new UI.

In the meantime, you can pull my request, build it, and install it locally using these easy steps:

Step 1: Clone my code

git clone --branch feat/show-more-metadata
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 2: Build

pnpm install

cd packages/extension

pnpm run build:chrome
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The output will be located at packages/extension/dist/chrome.

Step 3: Install

  • Open Chrome.
  • Click the Extension button > Manage Extensions. Alternatively, you can enter the following URL directly: chrome://extensions.

Image description

  • Enable Developer Mode.

Image description

  • Click on Load unpacked.

Image description

  • Point to packages/extension/dist/chrome.

Open a new tab, and you will see that all articles in Grid view or Listing View now have a Title, Description, and Thumbnail.

Image description

I hope that it's helpful for you, and I also hope that releases a new UI soon.

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Open in Gitpod

This monorepo contains's application suite. The repo includes the web app and the extension, along with shared components for the two The decision was made to allow faster iterations and to keep features parity in both platforms.


  • Node v18.16.0 (a .nvmrc is presented for nvm users).
  • pnpm for managing the monorepo and dependencies.



Shared ESLint settings for all the projects in this repo.


The browser extension project. Includes webpack configuration for browser extensions and the dedicated components just for the extension.


Shared Prettier settings for all the projects in this repo.


The main project contains most of the components used in the applications. Every component that needs to be used on both platforms should be placed in this project. This includes the design system components, custom hooks, and many more.


The web app…

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