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I am a Google Developer Expert! πŸš€

Jakub Andrzejewski on December 05, 2022

Yes, this is correct! As of today, I am officially a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies, and to be more specific, in the area of Web Perfo...
polaroidkidd profile image
Daniel Einars β€’

Congrats man!

Don't take this the wrong way, I have absolutely no clue about GDEs, but is there any particular benefit you get from being a GDE? Better job offers or.. I don't know, something else I'm missing?

It sounds like s lot of hard work and, again, congratulations on sticking with it and succeeding!

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thanks man! Sure, let me explain then as it was unclear to me as well :)

Becoming a GDE, apart from having the title, gives you access to the closed community of experts in certain area (in my example, web performance). With them, you can discuss important topics and share knowledge. You are also being invited for google specific events with travel reimbursement, you get Google SWAG, access to early versions of Google tools, discuss on certain trends.

It is also useful for better job offers as everyone knows Google right? ;)

It is a hard work but if you are keen on creating content and speaking at conferences, you already have what it takes. You just need to convert it into the google form and pass the interviews :)

khuongduybui profile image
Duy K. Bui β€’

It's not certification of your development expertise. It's more like an ambassador program.

kissu profile image
Konstantin BIFERT β€’

Here we go buddy! πŸ’ͺ🏻🎊
I'm not even surprised tbh. Well deserved, enjoy! πŸ…

Also, Alba is quite pushy with people she knows (in a good way), so it's great that she suggested you to apply. πŸ€—

Any more goals next year? Or mainly focus on conferences + YouTube + articles?

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thanks Kissu!

Haven't decided yet. I would love to go to Amsterdam for VueAmsterdam and VueConfUs. It would be awesome to finally check them out of my list. Apart from that, mainly dev content. I would like to grow my YT channel as it is currently my weakest point ;)

kissu profile image
Konstantin BIFERT β€’

The screen there is quite dope for sure! 🀘🏻😎

The YouTube channel will come, don't worry. Just needs a bit of time but you'll get there don't worry. πŸ’ͺ🏻

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’


jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thank you!

jesusantguerrero profile image
Jesus Guerrero β€’

The Avuenger, congrats ! Thanks for the detailed info. Good to know they give it for something beyond google products related.

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Fellow Avuenger, Have you seen my talk at NuxtNation? :)

Yes, they care about community, trends, and developer and user experience as well. But it also has to be related in some way with their products (you are GOOGLE Dev Expert in the end ;))

jesusantguerrero profile image
Jesus Guerrero β€’

Yes I saw the talk, it was entertaining.

Ah I get it, it makes sense, thanks for the clarification.

khuongduybui profile image
Duy K. Bui β€’

It's still Google related products such as lighthouse but not exclusively Google.

roman_22c01bcfb71 profile image
Roman β€’

Amazing! Congratualation on becoming a GDE!

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thank you!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev β€’

That is awesome!

hayerhans profile image
hayerhans β€’

Wow that's awesome! Thanks for your work to the community!
Well deserved πŸš€

ekodevelopers profile image
Eko Developers β€’

Congratulations. You're going places!
When is the next meetup?

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thank you buddy!

I believe in January, there will be another GDE Summit. Apart from that, there are many DevFests that you can attend to learn more about the program :)

balastrong profile image
Leonardo Montini β€’

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your personal experience!

I recently started creating content too, I'd love one day to join the GDE community ❀️

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Fingers crossed!

Do not hesitate to contact me so that I can give you some guidance :)

surajgond07 profile image
Suraj Gond β€’

Congratulations, you have achieved the position you wanted to achieve with your hard work and dedication.

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thanks Suraj!

It required hard work, but this is what I love about Web Development! :)

habibmanjotha profile image
Habib Manjotha β€’

*Congrats * @jacobandrewsky

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thank you Habib! :)

michaelsynan profile image
Michael Synan β€’

Amazing, inspired to do so myself :)

night__machine profile image
Night_machine β€’

Congrats man, I hope to also be a GDE some day

mezieb profile image
Okoro chimezie bright β€’


brycehowitson profile image
Bryce Howitson β€’

Congrats and welcome to the GDE community! Its great to have more people focused on Vue to round out discussions.

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Hey Bryce, thanks!

I am really glad to be joining this amazing community! I will be probably sharing more and more Vue/Nuxt related content about Web Performance (with Google tools as well ;))

jangamaviswanath profile image
JangamaViswanath β€’

❀ly sharing

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thank you!

jboxman profile image
Jason Boxman β€’


jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thanks Jason!

quangpham919 profile image
Quang Pham β€’

Congratulations on reaching the goal and thank you for all of your posts.

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thank you Quang!

It was a lot of work but I am happy to achieve my milestone for this year :)

merc_opolo profile image
Merc Opolo β€’

You have explored an interesting path, it was nice to read

dvalin99 profile image
Domenico Tenace β€’ β€’ Edited

Congratulations on reaching this goal! 😁

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

Thanks Domenico! Ticking this milestone from my todo list ;)

szynszyliszys profile image
Anna Migas β€’ β€’ Edited

Congrats! I am a GDE in web perf for a few years but I think they did not update the categories yet (it used to be generic Web Technologies one) :)

jacobandrewsky profile image
Jakub Andrzejewski β€’

I see. Then congratulations to you! I am happy to be joining you then! :)

664848 profile image

nice job and question i want to recomed to google up the secureity i am in the range of 12-18 years old so obveoly i am gonna try to bypass the security and i juts want you to tell google to please up there security it is kinda easy to by pass