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Deploying NextJS app to mobile App Stores using CapacitorJS

Have you ever thought of having a single codebase for your web and mobile apps?

I was recently tasked with a SPIKE ticket to research the gap analysis of getting our app to Google Play and App Store. What immediately popped up in my head was react-native. So I searched for popular frameworks that supported this. The top choice was Solito. It solved 2 things:

  • NextJS navigation on mobile
  • patterns to build cross-platform apps

The problem was I had to rewrite a lot of code to convert it to react-native-web to support native components.
So I asked around the team for some perspective. One suggested CapacitorJS by Ionic. It was the perfect solution for the requirement!

Basic setup with my NextJS app

Few things to make your life easier

  • Use JDK 17 (this is the best version to use with Android to prevent Gradle build issues)
  • Create an index.html file inside your /public dir that contains:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Common build errors with npx cap sync

  • if /out dir is missing, you have to update your next.config.js to include output: export instead of output: standalone
  • if Gradle build errors, check if you are using the correct JDK version
  • if iOS error
    • update your XCode
    • install cocoapods using brew install cocoapods


Easy, right? Just make sure your web app is responsive and it should just work smoothly. 🚀 Good luck, mates!

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